An eRepublik-Wide Effort - The People of the Game. Part 2: The Leaders

Day 725, 19:43 Published in United Kingdom Austria by Albert Neurath

To those who are reading, this is Part 2 in my series on "eRepublik - the People of the Game". Part 1 deals with the demographics of the game, broken down into specific times of birth from the early Beta days to the new players born into a world of war.

Although eRepublik has seen many leaders come and go, it is only a select few that have their memories and legacies spread into the lore of the game. These individuals, some living and some dead, have helped to shape eRepublik into what it is now. Although there are many people who deserve to be on this list, I will concentrate on seven who I feel have had their memories spread the most.

7: Alucard Bloodlust

Unlike any of the other people on this list, Alucard Bloodlust is not remembered for his political career at all. This giant of giants, this dearly-departed General of Beta, is remembered for being one of the strongest fighters ever to grace eRepublik. In the days of Beta, instead of fighting either to "destroy" or "build-up" a wall, you fought PvP against each other. Alucard Bloodlust was the first ever general of eRepublik, in a time when most WARS had fewer than 2000 battles overall. Although banned for multiaccounting, Alucard Bloodlust remains a dear memory to many people who had the honor of fighting with or against him.

6: Gobba

Gobba, unlike the other names that shall appear in this article, has enjoyed a relatively modest political career, having remained in his native Germany for almost all of his eLife and serving in numerous roles as President and Congressman there. Rather, Gobba is most famous for his wonderful creation,, the first good map that eRepublik ever saw. Many classes of people, from Early Betans to Scions of War (read Part 1 to know what I am talking about), swaer by his map. By creating his map, he gave the people of the eWorld a perspective that they had not ever previously enjoyed.

5: Benn Dover

What can I say? Benn Dover was a legendary figure in both the eUSA and the eWorld. As one of the USA's greatest fighters, and also one of its most notorious criminals, Benn helped make the USA into what it is today. Benn Dover, along with his friend Uncle Sam, built the largest business empire the eWorld has ever seen, with control over many industries in the United States. Benn Dover was President for two terms in the United States, a period which saw both the national prosperity of the USA rise to unprecedented heights, and also saw the United States and ATLANTIS lose its first major V1 conflict to the forces of PEACE. After Benn's Presidency ended, he faded into the background, becoming the USA's biggest tank and remaining a source of inspiration to much of the USA. It was in August of 2009, however, that Benn admitted to being one of the largest criminals in United States history, and, along with his friend Sam, they were both banned.

4: GlaDOS

GlaDOS, still amongst the ranks of the living, is known for his prolific career as one of the World's most prominent political leaders. I had the privilege of working with him in Thailand, where he almost became President. GlaDOS' career has spanned many regions, starting as a Japanese Congressman, becoming PEACE Secretary-General, President of Russia, and President of the United Kingdom. Wherever GlaDOS has gone to serve in politics, the country has become more prosperous. GlaDOS is on this list for his constant service to both the countries he resides in and the PEACE Global Community.

3: Quicksilver

Quicksilver, a resident of Hungary, is notable for several things. She is one of the driving forces behind Hungary's large population, having won an astounding 25 Society Builder medals, and is also one of the few eRepublik ambassadors. In addition to this great personal reward, Quicksilver is one of the reasons why Hungary is the power it is today, due to a well-placed article on a Hungarian forum. PEACE has Quicksilver to thank for much of the military power that it holds today. She also is the editor of one of the eWorld's most prolific newspapers, Legendarium, which enjoyed several months as the eWorld's most read newspaper. Quicksilver, although almost permabanned recently, remains one of the largest influences in the eWorld today.

2: Emerick

In contrast to Quicksilver's legendary recruitment techniques, Emerick is legendary in the eWorld for turning around the Invasion of the United States. The USA was down to one region, Florida, which was under threat of being attacked and occupied. Because of the costs associated with invading Florida, PEACE hesitated and allowed the USA to regain momentum. In a series of brilliant moves, Emerick and the USA liberated Alabama and signed a peace deal with Portugal, the weakest of the invading PEACE nations, that gave the USA almost the entire South in exchange for a paltry sum of Gold. Emerick, although he was forced to resign because of RL issues, kept the United States alive, and helped create the recent balance of power to be found in the eWorld.

1: Dio Brando

Dio Brando. The name itself strikes terror into all that hear it. By simply existing, Dio Brando was the avatar than launched the eWorld's largest eReligion, Dioism, and was also the inspiration for the creation of the eWorld's most feared army unit, the Theocrats. Dio Brando commands followers amongst both PEACE and EDEN countries, and all citizens over a certain age have some knowledge of him. Dio Brando is, unlike all others on this list, not a mere mortal, but an eGOD.

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Albert Neurath