An eHistory of Warfare [EDIT]

Day 833, 14:27 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton
Hello everyone and welcome to the show. My name is Joe Newton and this is The Newton Factor. This is the show where we talk about the big issues, and offer a logical point of view. A ton going on today everyone, glad you got a hold of the show, however you may have managed to get a hold of it. Tell a bunch of other people about it, would ya?

Today were looking at history.

Does anybody remember ATLANTIS? I do. Just barely.
I came in on the tail end of it. How glorious was ATLANTIS? It had almost every super power of the day in it. Romania, Norway, Sweden, USA. Hungary was reduced to a single region by the Romanian empire, and was worthless. Sweden occupied all of Germany and Poland. It's the reason Poland and Sweden are still bffs now. Sweden WAS Poland. It's also the reason Germany gets invaded so many times by Sweden and Poland. That's also the reason ATLANTIS collapsed. (more on that...some other day.)

Look at this map of Day 290 of the New Worl😛

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This was before even Romania had it's empire. Before that, Norway was the great power. Pakistan also completely dominated it's regions. A different world, wasn't it? And yet, by looking back on some of these old pics, you see where the future wars will take place. That's what we will be doing today. Romania was but only starting to become great.

Click here for a bigger pic.

Days later, yay even an eLifetime later, Norway was starting to swap its empire to Romania because it was crumbling on itself. Also notice how Turkey occupied both Greece and Israel. You can see future conflicts there.

Click here for a bigger pic.

Slightly into the future, you see Romania gaining on Russia. You can also see Iran poised to take Lion King, which it would hold for another few eLifetimes. China is also making a resurgence.
If you look down at Indonesia, you can see their empire span from Australia to Argentina. Again you can see future battles. Also you can see a failing of ATLANTIS, because Argentina was a member at first, but didn't receive aid and left and became PEACE. There is a lesson there.

Thanks to the guy who gave me this. I couldn't find it.

Romania was the great empire. However, everyone took it's existence for granted inside ATLANTIS, and I saw an article that summed it up perfectly: "It's all fun and games until Romania loses an empire". I've remembered that to this day. When Romania had it's empire, life was easy. When it fell under attack, and lost it (mainly due to bugs) elife was never the same. It became more complicated to the extreme. We now actually had to rely on each other instead of Romania's might.

Today, that is the message we should take away from this. We cannot rely on a great empire any longer. We need to rely on brotherhood.

Hail USA!
Hail EDEN!

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in that grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat. "-Teddy Roosevelt

See ya'll next time.

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