An eCitizen's Guide: The Quest for the Holy Grail - Battle Hero

Day 902, 16:01 Published in USA USA by wookyjack

So you’re searching for the Battle Hero medal, huh? Well, let me tell you something…it’s not as easy as it looks when you have enough gold. Actually, its a huge hassle especially if you do not know what you are doing!

However, I do have something pertinent to say on the matter if you are looking to ascertain a BH medal in the near future, but first let me tell you a little story with a cute ending…

Once upon a time there was this dude who wanted a Battle Hero medal. He purchased gold from Erep on several occasions to save up; he figured eighty gold would do the trick in the first attempt, right? WRONG.

He tanked his little heart out in this battle:

And thought with just a couple hours left he had the victory! Boy, was he mistaken.
In the final minutes the prestigious Colin Lantrip and Buck Roger joined the battle to surpass poor GreekHoplite smashing his BH dreams.

Downtrodden, but not beaten into submission, Greek thought he would give it another shot when he could purchase gold again.

That day finally came and he gave his hand at this battle:

He soon learned he was ferociously beaten again. Even though Greek thought that he should tank the battle once before reset and again after (because you can make the most damage that way) that he would have sweet victory and a BH under his citizen account.


Now, you may think, ‘AYE, DIO! That sucks,’ right? Well, it gets worse, folks. We see Fulir AGAIN later…

Greek begins to research the dynamics of BH hunting. He figures out that he is essentially limitless in regards to joining numerous battles available, and in some cases, the training wars. ‘Smart thinking, GREEK!’ right? NOTSOMUCH

He finds himself in Palawan, Philipines. Not only does he find himself there, but he discovers that Fulir was there as well. However, Greek checked Fulir’s battle history for the day and found out that he already started a RW, fought in two battles and got BH medals in two different regions. Greek thinks, ‘YAY, I got this for sure!’

*insert another sad face here*

Observe the results:

Greek thought for sure he could out gun Combination in that battle. As time dwindled Greek realized that he tanked way too early in the game. As the minutes ticked away Combination came back from Turkey to reclaim the BH title I took from him hours earlier. Not only that, Fulir CAME BACK FROM GREECE and tanked the same battle smashing Combination’s attempts. As the final seconds ticked away, Greek witnessed a pathetic site, more pathetic than his, as Combination fought a few more times and then berzerked himself to a measly 30 wellness, Fulir blew us both out of the water and grasped the BH medal. An even funnier thing was there were no more hospitals in the Philippines!

It was awful watching Combination fail like he did. But even worse seeing Fulir come back after being in Greece to tank the crap out of that training war battle and beat us out like he did. By then, I was hatin’ on Fulir. AHMAGAD I was ragin LOL

I let some time go by before I tried tanking again. Believe me, I was ready to give up on it, but being the perseverer I am, I went after it again. And I went after it more methodically…

This time around I waited until the clock was about 30 minutes down.

Then I went about my tanking business. Although I ran the risk of not tanking the day before to increase maximum damage possible in a single battle, I felt…lucky.

As the clock ticked down I kept tanking until zero.

‘Congratulations, you are now known as a Battle Hero!’

I was amped! I even got a congratulatory PM from Buck Roger on my achievement! It also happened to be my eBirthday! It was a great moment. And from the ashes of that battle zhunder also showed that someone else was attempting to snipe my victory that day, but failed miserably: erepmartin.

(^who also happens to be banned lol.)

This got me thinking: what if I wrote an article about the Quest for the Holy Grail: Battle Hero? What if people on this quest were shown how to not fail so hard in their search for this prestigious honor?

And here we are…

I figured it might be useful to present a guide to those who are thinking about obtaining the BH medal, as well as, those are avidly seeking one, but continuously fail in doing so.

Where do you start?

- Plan at least a day ahead of the supplies you’ll need (moving tickets, weapons, gifts), the money to allocate to the proper areas to properly ‘tank’ and have an org on stand by to re-supply you with weapons/gifts as you tank during the battle. Things to remember: Every Erepublik day you can use 40 wellness boxes. In a single battle you can use up to 80 wellness boxes. Also, on each of those days you can also gift yourself 10 wellness with your org account. This gives you two more fights in that battle. (However, remember with the new hospital rules implemented citizens cannot berserk as they once could to maximize damage in a single battle. So be weary of berserking unless you know what you are doing.)

- Once you have supplied your citizen with weapons (I recommend Quality 5 for maximum damage), and are ready to tank a battle, proceed to looking for a battle where you can obtain the medal.

- Training war battles are the key to BH medal hunting. You might think it may be ‘rad’ to win a BH medal in an important battle, like I did when I fought in South Africa, but only to be beaten by Colin and Buck; however, it is not the smartest, quickest way to get one. Why? Strength is a factor. Most BH hunters lack strength and this is the #1 way to get sniped in a battle when seeking this prominent medal. As you observed how I failed against Fulir, it was his higher strength that ultimately beat me out. Money had nothing to do with it.

- Research the citizens who are fighting in the battles. is a decent place to start. This way you can identify who has already fought there and see if they would be decent competition or not worth that attempt in your quest for the medal. (Another option would be to PM the individual and offer gold to them so they won’t go against you in the pursuit, but I advise against that unless you don’t mind giving away money on another citizen’s ‘word’) Researching your competition is the perfect way to ‘know your foe’. Ex: if the person fought more than even 10-20 times in that battle, then it might be wise to consider looking in a different battle if that person has higher strength than you. Why? Do you want to risk what I did? PROBABLY NOT.

- Once you have chosen the time and place and you know who you’re fighting against for the BH medal, now you need to fight effectively and plentifully. Now, it’s not mandatory that you fight maximum damage in one battle in two erep days, but it is the most effective (and by one battle/two erep days I mean fight close to reset so after reset you have the chance to use another 40 wellness boxes). Observe:

o Have 160 gold supplied in your citizen account.

o Do NOT work or train yet. Hold out until after you fight.

o If necessary, fly to the destination where the battle is taking place.

o Remember, some places you cannot travel to unless you go trough a 3rd party. Other battles you straight up cannot fly to. Do not make this mistake of flying somewhere and not being able to get to the final destination! Otherwise, you’re bleeding wellness with all this flying around!

o At the battle, Fight once and then gift yourself back to 100 wellness.

o Fight again (now you will be at 90 wellness) and then immediately hit ‘BUY WELLNESS BOX’ (now you should be at 100 wellness again and you should have 158 gold left in your citizen account)

o Continue the above process until you have used all wellness boxes for that Erep day. Depending on what Quality house you have or what Quality food you have make sure your citizen will be at 100 wellness after 00:07 erep time the next day.

o Once Erep resets and your citizen has eaten their food (back to 100 wellness), fight once and gift yourself 10 wellness with your org.

o After reset repeat the above tanking steps until you use all 40 wellness boxes.

o Lastly, when you’re ready to finally heal from the hospital, fight five times and then heal back to maximum wellness.

Please keep in mind the above suggestions are not mandatory, but viewed as the most effective way to produce the maximum amount of damage in a battle without hurting your citizen’s wellness (aka berserking, training, working beforehand). Essentially, you can finagle the above suggestions to your own desires, but it’s a start, I hope.

Now you might have been wondering what I meant in regards to the cute ending…

Check out Fulir:

Sweet, sweet victory.

Well, I hope this was a decent proposal for those of you who are on a quest for the Battle Hero medal. There are several other ways to go about obtaining the achievement, but what I hoped to leave with you today are the detrimental ‘DO NOTs’ along your way to that victory.

Thank you for reading.



PS If you are interested in joining an elite group of individuals, then sign up and join me in the APF Militia!
