An Austrian Moment

Day 1,099, 22:12 Published in Austria Austria by Rangeley

eRepublik is a game of moments. The moments where you are working with your friends - back against the wall, fighting against all odds, whether you win or lose - these are the moments that are remembered most, and make the game worth playing. Today, we had one of those moments, with the Battle of Vorarlberg.

A must win situation, failure would have meant open citizenship. Without a region, we’d have no congress next month, and therefore anyone who wanted to, could get Austrian citizenship; all but guaranteeing a takeover. In this must win situation, Austria kept fighting to the end - and we kept looking for people who would join us.

The Fight

Countless Austrians gave their all to the effort - Metallon donated all his savings to fund tanks. Friends from France, such as Ernesto-Che-Guevara joined us; friends from Germany, such as dermont joined us. From Hungary, friends such as Fragreg and Manitou joined us.

And friends from South Korea, who remembered our help to them long ago in the month of May, helped us more than anyone ever could have expected. Alfagrem fought long into the night, and early in the morning, dealing well over a million damage - in what he would describe as repaying a debt to Austria. At times he near single handedly won round after round, to ensure victory.

The friends we have made here, and the friends we have made abroad, pulled through. Together, a victory was secured - a victory well worth celebrating.

The Promise

While not out of danger by any means, Austria will have a congress. We’ve secured ourselves another month. Enough thanks cannot be expressed to everyone who gave their time, effort, and energy to make this possible. Beyond any expressions of gratitude, we owe it to everyone to make this coming month the best we can - the most enjoyable we can.

After all this work, we have before us a great opportunity: a month to continue our story. A month to enjoy this community. A month to spend with friends. Let’s seize this opportunity - this moment. Let’s make this a month worth remembering, and do justice to the great promise afforded to us.