An article about the future

Day 2,485, 01:25 Published in Ireland Canada by Natster

Me laddies, I have come full circle and I finally understand this game.
It is rigged. Once you get to a certain point you realize it.

Q7 food is pointless, your best place to produce is Q6. The cost to produce Q7 food is way to high.

I can't figure out why the admins would think this was a worthwhile addition.

Houses are pointless. You still have to replenish or refill the energy you use? Really? Wow....

Hiring employess is pointless. I have done so, only to try and help the economy, but I realize it's going nowhere fast, and I'm not getting ahead. I now have about 100 unused production waiting for someone to take it.

Admins shoot themselves in the feet for additions that still have us scratching our heads. I have been absent for a while and have been basically two clicking.

Here was my list of things to do:

Produce, Work, train, Pay employees. Fin.

Next day, repeat.

This is why the radio silence. However, I have unlocked a new mission ("finally"), and that was to get 25 comments to one of my articles. So anyone's contribution to commenting below would be appreciated.