An Argument Against Trade

Day 301, 14:25 Published in USA USA by Nave Saikiliah

Anyone with a sense of economics knows that trade is good. It allows countries to specialize in certain goods, making everyone better off.

This is because of something called comparative advantage -- some countries are simply more efficient at producing one good than another nation. For example, because of how cheap their labor is, Third World nations can make simple goods (such as clothes) much more cheaply than, say, Japan. Meanwhile, Japan can produce higher end electronics more cheaply than Third World countries. When they trade with each other, they both have more of both items than if no trade ever occurred.

Some of you might be surprised to hear that comparative advantage simply doesn't exist in erepublik -- trade isn't necessarily good. Because production in erepublik is based off of formulas, it takes the same skill and labor to produce Hospitals in one country as it does the next. There is no benefit of trade, especially when imports exceed exports.

Right now, from our three trade agreements, we run a trade deficit of 25 gold a week, meaning that 25 American gold transfers to foreign countries from trade every seven days. Normally, I cringe when I hear someone thinking of trade in this way, because there are unseen benefits that almost always outweigh the deficit. In erepublik, there isn't.

In V1, there will be Raw Material industries. Hopefully, this will somehow implement comparative advantage, to make this game more realistic. Until then, however, we must change the way we view trade.

NOTE: I don't mean to come off as pedantic, it's just that there are some basic assumptions 'educated' erepublik players make that are wrong. I became president because of my economic views; the three terms I served helped me develop a unique viewpoint which could certainly help others.

Next article will cover why a planned economy might work better than a free market, despite what every economic intuition tells you.