An Argument Against Freezing Seats

Day 605, 08:34 Published in USA USA by Lex Scandalex
NOTE: I apologize if this is long, I originally intended it to be short but I feared that if I made a point without giving a slightly detailed reason behind it that people would miss the point and start attacking.

2nd NOTE: Please everyone, follow the military orders from the government so that your fights can be best used to combat the invading PEACE.


Recently there has been word and rumblings about the top 5 eUS political parties joining together and “freezing seats” in Congress in July. This is so that we can free up our citizens to vote in other countries such as Croatia and Canada to fight against political takeovers (PTOs). During this time, the UIP, the party that I am a member of, debated this issue and ultimately chose to not participate with this plan.

Before I continue with this article, let me say a few things. First, I am the UIP Chief of Public Relations. Secondly, I intend on running for Congress in Delaware this July. And third, and most importantly, this article is to foster honest, intelligent debate, not mudslinging and name-calling. There are smart, passionate, respected citizens on both sides of this argument. However, there are also people that are stubborn and fall back on name calling to make their points. I like the first group of people, the second group of people are the real reason that nothing every gets done.

I am against the freeze seat plan
Reason: Because I want to get into Congress. There!! We got that out of the way, so no one can make a comment about this as a response to my article. But please, let me continue. When I first joined this game, the reason I did so was because the game advertises the following “Become your country president”. Upon diving deeper into the game, I noticed that you can “Run for Congress”. This, I think, is the game's biggest selling point. Now once I joined, I realized that there was more, much more, to the game. But that has not stopped me from trying to achieve what is my “personal goal” within the game. Nor should we prevent anyone else from achieving his or her goal in our country. I understand that people that are for the “seat freeze”, which is just the beginning a “primary system”, are not purposing trying to prevent people from achieving their goals, but that will be the unintended result.

My first time voting was during the Congressional elections in May. I was actually excited to vote and took it seriously and was happy to do so. Now I imagine that if I were not given the ability to vote, I probably would have been disappointed in the game and quit. But I assure you, I would have not, during my first month of playing, ever gone to another country and voted. I was not experienced enough at that time to understand the logic behind that. The bottom line is that by freezing elections, you are circumventing a game mechanic that everyone has been enjoying for some time while eliminating a feature that first time voters actually look forward to doing. How do we expect to increase our population and unity if we tell new citizens that their opinions don’t matter?

I often hear country first. I agree. But what’s the point, what’s the fun, in playing the game if we just allow other people to constantly make decisions for us without our input. It’s a game. In real life, I don’t have one clue on how to make the RL USA any better. I have opinions, but nothing better than that. In the game, I’m given the ability to make an impact and make decisions. Why should we just allow the most experienced players to make all the decisions? New, fresh ideas can easily come from the newest of citizens just as well. I think that a primary system would, in the end, just continually keep everyone else down. I know, that’s not the plan, but I just don’t see how it would prevent that. Imagine if we told the past couple of presidents, or the leading members of Congress, that they could not run for Office because there are “better” players available.

Also, the call for "country first" is a fallacy I think. This game is played by thousands of individuals contributing to making the country better. This is the purpose of the game. Not allowing an election in July defeats the point of the game for thousands of individuals. By supporting these plans you are helping our allies but also creating enemies within our own country. Do we think that the majority of people that are put out of the upcoming election will forget about it? Too many negative feelings will be created which will make us more vulnerable in the end. There are even some citizens in this country, right now, that actually want PEACE to win because of ill will created from previous debates that spiraled out of control.

Preventing PTOs
The “freeze seat” plan is the first step in the PRIMARY SYSTEM that people have been talking about “all my life.” The logic dictates that if we decide on our senators before the election, then everyone will be freed up to vote in other countries. While I admire the people that are trying to put a fair and balanced system together, my opinion is that it won’t work. Not because of the details of any system, but because there are too many people that are hell-bent against it. It only takes a few people or just one party to ruin the whole plan. And just as importantly, I’ve seen no proof that people would actually move and vote in other countries.

We tell everyone to move to Jersey or Florida for the Q5 hospital, but never tell people to move back to their “home” state and vote. Actually, we are indirectly telling them that vote is not important. This leads to 862 votes in Florida and 532 votes in New Jersey, and 10 in some other state. If these excessive voters from Jersey and Florida didn’t make the effort to move during the last election, then what makes everyone think that they will move to Croatia or Canada? Sure, a decent size will do so, but not everyone. Hell, based on Harrison Richardson’s projections, a significant amount of damage was done in the training war between UK and Hungary by US citizens that didn’t follow the direction of the government; damage that might have helped us win in Nova Scota the first time. If people don’t listen to important orders like that, what makes everyone thing they will vote where the government tells them?

In conclusion to yet another article on this subject, I present the 2 options that I think would be best to prevent PTOs in other countries.
1. Write to the admins and tell them you want a citizenship module in the game.
2. Pay people to give up their vote and move to another country.

I know that there are some respected, well thought out citizens making an honest attempt on both sides to debate the issues without calling people names. However, the reason we have not successfully moved this country to the top is because there are always people that want to call everyone names to make their point. So please, thank you for reading, and please, lets keep the comments (either for or against) civil and fair unless you want to prove to everyone else that you are the problem and not the answer.