An Apology to eRoC and eIndonesia / 向eRoC和e印尼的道歉文

Day 1,808, 18:53 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Canada by WorkSafeBC
English Version

Hey guys, I am WorkSafeBC. Here’s my apology to the citizens of eRoC and eIndonesia about the chaos I’ve caused through the proposal of making eIndonesia as a natural enemy.

Mistakes I Made
- Causing eRoC and eIndonesia a lot of troubles, especially those who work in diplomacy department
- Didn’t follow the standard procedure of congress
- Didn’t fully understand how congress works
- Didn’t follow the news

How It Happened
You know how you get the notifications of all kinds of proposal once you are elected as a member of congress? Well, yesterday I received a notification about another proposal, and on that page there’s a link to the page that shows all the proposals. So I went there and saw the “Propose a law” button, and that’s how it happened. I chose eIndonesia because I personally don’t like eIndonesia.

Why I Did It
I was unfamiliar with the congress (how it works, what to do and my responsibilities). I was also unaware about the NAP we had with eIndonesia because I don’t usually follow the news.

About My Post on eRoC Congress Forum
Yech pmed me about the issue and told me to explain to the congress, but I wasn’t sure about what to say so I simply created a thread about my intention. The thread probably looks rude and stupid, but I was totally lost at that point.

Why I Didn’t Apologize (until now)
When I started the proposal, it was at around 9pm (Pacific Standard Time). Yech and Bread100 warned me at around 10pm, and that’s when I created the thread on eRoC congress forum. With the replies I received on the forum and the conversation with Bread100 on MSN, I knew I made a very big mistake. Therefore, I had a conversation with Yech at around 1:30am, and by the time we finished it was almost 3 in the morning. As a result of that I have decided to post my apology (this post) after I wake up.

About Myself
Because I immigrated to Canada (in RL) since I was 12, my Chinese is only as good as a grade 6 child. If I said something inappropriate in Chinese, or if certain part of my apology in the Chinese version doesn’t make any sense, please let me know and I’ll try my best to fix them.

Punishment and Compensation
- Donate the 5G from congress medal to national treasury
- Won’t participate in politics for at least 6 months, until the party leader approves
- Deal at least 10m damage in the upcoming NE warfare (most likely against eJapan)
- Apologize on eRoC channel on RC at 2:00pm on Sunday (GMT +8 )
- Also, I’ll be donating 100 TWD and 2 Q7 weapons to every eRoC citizens who replied to this article

I hereby apologize for all the troubles I have caused, and the mistakes I made, to the people of eRoC and eIndonesia.



- 造成e台灣e印尼雙方很大的困擾,尤其是外交人員
- 沒遵守議會運作方式
- 沒去瞭解議會運作方式
- 沒讀報紙


我雖然是第二次選上議員,但是沒有讀議會守則,也沒有了解議員的義務和議會的運作方式,所以犯下大錯。我也沒有讀過這篇 ( 報紙,所以不知到e印尼和我們已經達成NAP了。


我提案的時後是這邊(加拿大西岸)晚上快9點,百包給我這篇 ( 報紙和Yech叫我去議會發文的時後是晚上10點,之後看了議會的回文和百包的MSN知道犯大錯了,所以Yech在台灣下午(我這邊半夜1:30am左右)在MSN上問我緣由,講了一個多小時。



- 5G上繳國庫
- 至少半年以上不參政,直到黨主席同意
- 日韓起義場打至少1000萬
- 在台灣時間禮拜日下午兩點在RC上向大家道歉
- 另外我將在這裡派100 TWD和2Q7坦給所有回覆的eRoC國民
