An Announcement of sorts

Day 1,521, 08:31 Published in Philippines Philippines by Mark Angelo Diez

You know those times in which life seems to enjoy giving you a sucker punch to the gut, just because life can? I just received a sucker punch earlier today.

There I was, hardly gotten any sleep because of all that anticipation for finding out who the Jelly baby daddy is...

Seriously, can't I wake up later?

"No you may not! RISE AND SHINE!

"What the?! Who the!?"


"PRESIDENT JELLY!? What are you doing in my bed?!"

Your country needs you!

"It doesn't really explain what you're doing here, but go on."

Well, I need someone to take over as Minister of Media and well, the position's vacant.

"...You're seriously asking someone not even a month into his civil career such a position?"

Why not?

"I mean, I'd have to learn as I go. On the job training and all that."

Relax, it'll be fine

that's the kind of thinking that probably got you pregnant anyway

What was that?

"Nothing! I mean, if you want me I'm up for the position."


And just like that, he was gone.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I may be new to all this but I will make sure that I give it my all to entertain and inform. At least if I'm actually getting the position and this isn't all just a hallucination

My office-such as it is- is always open, and my mind is the same.