An analysis of the turmoil in the United States

Day 854, 10:21 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Having not written in a while and also only having written some shorter pieces, it's time for me to start up that critical thinking part of my brain and write another analysis of something. My last one, was when Slovakia took over the Czech Republic and why it was justified. Now comes a new long, wall of text. I have not made a wall of text n a while, so this oughta be fun. Also, I'm going to try to be fancier in a way here. 😉

Table of Contents

1.) Citizen Retention
-Tentative possibilities

2.) The Economy
-Link to Citizen Retention
-Tax change controversy
-More tentative solutions

3.) Inter-alliance conflict
-Coordination failures: eAmerica's part
-Coordination failures: Other country's parts
-Oh for crying out loud, is anything actually going to happen, it's not like solutions fall out of the sky!

4.) Conclusion

Citizen Retention


In the USA media, there seems to be a certain consensus that the game is simply not exciting anymore. It is not even exciting for the experienced players. Sometimes it's too exciting that it become hectic. Many important, well known players have moved away from the United States or quit the game in a lcak of interest or a need for a fresh change. Former American president Jewitt has moved to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Max McFarland 2, philanthropist, and spearhead of construction efforts to provide infrustructure, has moved to India. I moved to Slovakia (though I'm not really that important. A Croatian citizen, dSokre, notes how voting turnouts are declining in the United States.

The reason for this unfortunate experience is because in the United States, there is a lack of anything to do. Not even war. There is no war for a unified cause, and that is also tied in to some other points you will see later. In "World War 3", American citizens were hyped about getting all of their regions back from occupation from 5 countries, and they managed to find great unity in times of hardship. But how often it is when we are doing oh so very well, that we forget about those troubles and start to get bored. We want excitiement! We want a cause! Unfortunately, not even revenge on the United Kingdom was a great enough incentive to increase citizen retention or even start a babyboom.

But the United States are in so many wars with a cause! At least that's what it seems like. The war with the UK was overly hyped, with very little coming to fruition until Josh Frost came. But by then, 3 months had passed and no one was motivated. Other wars simply sucked because there was no unity among the EDEN alliance in focusing on one target (again, this comes later).

The USA is bored.

Tentative possibilities

The only viable solution is to collectively organize with EDEN to attack a certain country that is in sore need of a walloping, and then swiftly attacking after a nice little media frenzy. At least that is my opinion. Will this happen? Probably not. The USA is already engrossed on helping on too many fronts and too busy dealing with foreign affairs, with EDEN, Phoenix, and the formerly EDEN (Romania) in order to try to organize an effort to do such a grand scheme.

The Economy


The general maxim in the USA: stuff > gold

So make some weapons and attack somewhere and go kill, right? But this theory is under intense scrutiny I believe at the moment.

The implementation of Lana is sucking out gold and also making gold much more valuable, resulting in a fluctuating local currency (generally for the worse). Less stuff is also bought, wages go down, less stuff is made, less stuff is bought, and BAM. eRecession. Simpe supply and demand. Even wartime production did not raise up the falling wages and faltering prices on the market. So many workers were fired, people closed down their companies, and generally, things died down. All because of Lana and also...

Link to Citizen Retention

The lack of motivation in the United States means that war cannot sustain the economy like it used to. There, wasn't that easy? Well to say yes. To see? No. The sluggish economy also in turn, discourages citizens and can cause them to quit or move, which causes an even more sucky economy, which cause more people to quit and...well, it's a vicious cycle.

Tax change controversy

Tax changes. Ugh. More specifically, tax raises. No one likes them. It also causes people to quit. But why did we raise taxes in the United States?

It is because even though war didn't really do much for us in terms of raising interest in the game for newcomers and veterans, it still has a cost. Usually, it is very expensive, as all presidents know. Even in Congress, there was a great debate over whether to raise the taxes. It went so far, as the Congress tried to hide it and not put it out on the public USA forums, creating an outcry against Congress for their lack of transparency. The debates weren't very friendly either. There was a great media frenzy, some in support of the change, most of them not. Attack ads on certain senators even arose, most notably against Max McFarland 2.

More tentative solutions

The only thing I can think of? Wait for version 2. It is bound to create some interest, and will also give company managers more to do, more to organize, and heck. It's all just more complicated. That may be just what the game needs. More customization. As for the economy, it is a definite yes. The prospect of new resources will greatly help out to stimulate the economy as well. Simple, but also, the admins are notorious for taking forever to do things. Oh well. Let's wait and see. I may not even be right and something else totally random could help.

Inter-alliance conflict

Coordination failures: eAmerica's part

There was a time where America could send out a greatly feared team of elite soldiers and go crazy. They'd tip over 1 million point walls with ease and berserk like there was no tomorrow.

Now? Let's just say it is a different story.

The United States had trouble in Sindh when they gave it back to Pakistan, only to have it returned to Serbia. Outrage ensued. Why did America do this? Why did they do that? Blah blah blah!

America apologized of course, but the response from allies was very harsh and bitter. Few countries were very forgiving. Then of course, the America citizens replied to the backlash. Rumors of quitting EDEN arose, and created more unnecessary tension. A schism seemed bound to happen. And then...

Coordination failures: Other country's parts

And now, most recently, the battle for South Africa seems dire. We seem unable to get South Africa anything back. As stated by the president, South Africa will hold 1/3 of the world's titanium production, and without a new spot for Africa, they will most likely not have a Congress. Sad. They will forever (or at least for a while) be condemned to be a puppet state. Ouch. This is a large blow to EDEN, one which seems to spark a a little bit of tension in the United States even more, with some citizens even crying out for total isolation from EDEN. Of course, we need a chill pill on that. Mos. def.

Oh for crying out loud, is anything actually going to happen, it's not like solutions fall out of the sky!

ALL COUNTRIES NEED TO STOP WAILING ON EACH OTHER. That goes for the United States as well! We all need to shut up and breathe. Then we can bicker in a more civilized manner! Agh!!!! Ok my rant here is done. Poignant? It should be.


For the USA, the situation seems dire. Very. It is a dark moment, filled with animosity, hatred, and utter denial for some people. How very upsetting. However, learning from history, we must learn, that the darkest times are where it is easiest to stand together, for it is only then we cannot stand on our own.

America must realize their situation. Call me harsh, but that's the truth. I love America and grew up there for the most part of my eLife. I still keep track of the going ons in there too as you can see. And now I urge the Americans. Please! Realize that you are in a deep pit that needs a cohesive bond in order to stop growing deeper. As long as that is recognized, it will be easy to unite. If not, the indifference in the United States will continue and everyone will die out. Slowly and painfully.

Ok not really, but it will be pretty bad ok?

Also, a word to the foreign countries in EDEN. As the United States president said, the Americans have just as much right to be mad at the lack of concord in the battle for South Africa. However, the USA citizens are not flooding YOUR media with random articles that you guys suck are they?

Well as a former one, I want to be one of the first to address the foreign countries.

Stop being indifferent, get the act together, and stop accusing, criticizing, and abusing. You're all just giving the cold shoulder and each citizen in their respective countries' are taking things too far. It's beyond patriotism to support their country. It's becoming nationalism. Countries are hating each other in EDEN

I hope something is done. I hope I did not seem too caustic, as usually I'm a light guy, but really. I've been holding in all of feelings for months and I think it's bringing me down in times of awesomness in my own country. Emotionally and physically!

I mean come on! BattalGazzai came to tank in the Czech Republic and disrupt our merger! And he did it just for kicks too! For real, we were going to lose it and he just comes out of nowhere! Agh!

Ok that was supposed to be funny. Eh. Well anyway, Tails from his podium/workshop leaves you Americans with something to think about.

Prower Power!

P.S. Vote and sub! 😃