An Analysis of EDEN and eIsrael

Day 1,863, 23:38 Published in Israel Greece by Steveeven

An Analysis of EDEN and eIsrael

Abstract: The possibility of EDEN freeing us in the short-term is dim because other more populated EDEN countries like eGreece, eUkraine, and eAlbania are already occupied. Countries with bigger national populations are better allies. The resistance war (RW) going on at Al Jawf is only a temporary solution. The long-term solution is to stick with EDEN. Good times will come.

There are reasons why EDEN isn't helping us as much as it should. For one, the alliance is already in trouble. eGreece is conquered and eCroatia has been wiped for a while. The alliance efforts, if there were any, was unsuccessful. Second, I think the EDEN alliance will want to focus on freeing eGreece (6400), eUkraine (5180), and eCroatia (3960) before freeing eIsrael (1650) because of the higher citizen population located there. Since these member nations have more people, they will have a higher priority.

I was only when eGreece, eCroatia, and I believe eRomania were free and then eTurkey joined our side was eIsrael free. With all of the three nations (eGreece, eUkraine, eCroatia) currently wiped, our chances for independence are slim.

The situation with eCroatia can be a case study. They are loyal EDEN members with more than twice our current population and yet have been occupied for months. I'm not sure what's going on but I feel EDEN power is weakening. On top of that, eUSA and eBrazil have left pro-EDEN and are forging their own paths. Our "band of brothers" is breaking. If they can't free eCroatia, what makes me think they can free us?

From experience playing eRepublik for more than a year, I find that BIG countries are very valuable. A country with a high population, say 10k citizens, is more valuable than five countries allied with 2k. They have more unity and can work together faster. Plus, they don't have to pay $50k cc on MPP's each month.

The resistance war we are currently having may only be a temporary solution. Even if eSaudi Arabia wins, eSerbia, if they really want to, can declare war first on the eSaudis and then on us. One may ask, “why are we spending millions and millions of damage for a few more days of comfort?”

So what are eIsrael’s choices? The easy way out will be to join ONE. If we join ONE, we will have eSerbia, with 13k population, and ePoland, with 10k population on our side. We can join through eBulgaria. However, it may be dishonorable.

I think the best choice right now is the stick with EDEN. Bad times will come but the good times will follow. There is a time for everything and a time for every season under the sun. I remember the time when ONE started to conquer the world. They claimed all of eChina and eUSA but, together, we bounced back. However, the alteration to this approach will be to ally or make peace with the stronger countries. Here is a list of nations I believe we should have:

Country - Why?

eTurkey - One of our regional neighbors, a strong bulwark against ONE, and a high population (7.5k).

eGreece - Our long-time friend and ally, neighbor, and with a medium population (6.4k).

eArgentina - Loyal member of EDEN with a huge population (14.6k) ranked #2 in eRepublik. Although they are far away, with an MPP, they can be next to us.

eChina - The only EDEN nation with 100% weapon and food bonuses. Long-time and loyal EDEN member. We need their support.

eTaiwan - Loyal EDEN member, and, have you noticed their huge baby boom? They are now ranked #9 in eRepublik with 7.8k citizens.

eUSA - What makes eIsrael special is our alliance with the eUnited States. The game creators gave eUSA the most territory (52) of any other eCountry on earth. They also have a large player base (8.8k).

Of course, there are other important EDEN nations we need to ally with but these six countries, in my opinion, are a must.

I will appreciate if a player who is literate in Hebrew post in the comment box to PM that person for a translation.

An analysis of EDEN and eIsrael: