An alternative for South African food crisis...

Day 1,026, 12:22 Published in South Africa Hungary by Tomi_ur
Cape Town, 12:22 server time, day 1026 (9:22 PM CET, 11 September, 2010)

... or how to get a high grain region in 19 days.

Now it seems that the latest efforts to reduce the price of food in the Community of South Africa were unsuccessful. As you know the congress reduced the import tax of food from 90 % to 40 % in two steps however it had little effect on food prices. As a result South Africa seems to have one of the highest food prices in the future as well: now you can buy the cheapest 1.5/1.5 food for 0.79 ZAR (!) which is the one-hour salary of a coordinator harvester in South Africa.

It’s good to know that South Africa does NOT have any high grain resources so we have to base our food industry on import grain. The rate of import tax for grain is 50 % at the moment. I think this tax rate is quite high especially if we take it into account that the state of our food industry is miserable. If the import tax for grain was cut the price of food would be probably lower. However, we must see that it is not worth buying a license for 20 golds for a foreign company as the market of South Africa is relatively small. So we don’t really build our food economy on import grain at present time.

Nevertheless, there is another option for the development of our food industry: getting a high grain region.

I tried to make a plan that meets the following requirements:
- spending money as little as possible;
- activating alliances as few as possible;
- cooperation with neighbouring nations.

Now you can ask: which region to get? My answer: the one-region high grain country, Uruguay.

The reasons why I chose this region are quite simple: on the one hand I don’t think we could really make Brazil or Argentina rent a high grain region of theirs to us however I think there is a chance for cooperation between these countries and South Africa. On the other hand Uruguay is near and in military aspect she is a relatively weak country without any allies.

Short schedule:
1. Argentina doesn’t prolong her alliance with Hungary.
2. As the alliance between Hungary and Argentina expires South Africa attacks Pampas, Argentina, Argentina retreats (day 1043).
3. South Africa declares war on Uruguay (day 1043-1044).
4. South Africa attacks Charrua, Uruguay and conquers it (day 1044-1045).
5. Argentina attacks Pampas, South Africa, South Africa retreats (day 1045).
6. South Africa signs a peace treaty with Argentina (day 1045-1046).

attack on Pampas, Argentina: cca. 450 golds
declaration of war on Uruguay: cca. 300 golds
attack on Charrua, Uruguay: cca 175 golds
attack on Pampas, South Africa: cca. 450 golds
Total: cca. 1375 golds (oh f*ck)

What advantages will this military action have?
- First and foremost: we will have an aim which we can work for.
- We could fight in a real battle and compare our military power to another country similar in size.
- We would have a high grain region, cheap grain and we could develop our food industry.
- We would have a place for training wars if we cannot fight through MPP-s.

- high costs
- activated alliances on the side of Argentina against us.

As for the risk of an Argentinian attack on our country let me remind you of our MPP with Hungary. In case Argentina breaks our agreement, doesn’t sign a peace treaty with us and attacks South Africa in an original region our army with the help of Hungary can repel the forces of Argentina. On the other hand Argentina will have an indirect war with Hungary.

Finally, as for costs, we can decide either we are bored to death with our golds or spice up things, have fun and get poor.

Go South Africa, go! (-:

Best regards,
