An Address to the nation

Day 1,422, 06:39 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Everyone, I am addressing you today about something that is dividing Belgium. Whether or not you to let shadow continue to do his good work as our Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Fhaemita mentioned that if I fired shadow I would be “caving in.” NLSP on the other hand said that I would be “following the verdict of the SC.” This shows a clear divide in Belgium. Ward has recently posted an article saying I have to choose between democracy and dictatorship. Believe me when I say the lines are not that clear cut.

As the country president of Belgium, it falls on me to make the final decision. The fact that I am having to write this message clearly shows that the divide in Belgium is very much present. I will be making my decision on the basis of the poll in congress and my own gut feeling on what is best for Belgium. The CP can not only look at the long term but what is best for his month in power.

I preached unity but sadly it looks in vain. I ask for both sides to remain calm during this difficult time in Belgium. I would like to also urge restraint, fighting fire with fire will only damage this fragile country more.

NLSP recently resigned and I am indeed sorry to hear this, but Belgium needs to continue to push forward.

I would like to ask members who are not the so called “elites” on your opinion. You are the majority of Belgium but your voice is not heard in this difficult times. I will welcome any of these comments and take them all into consideration when I make my final decision. However I would like to ask the moderators to make sure it does not break down into conflict. I would also like to warn you any insulting in the comments I will delete your whole post.

Finally, I would personally like to thank some members of our community who have clearly shown restraint during this crisis. Now is the time for unity and consensus not conflict and division. I will be making my decision later today. I know that some Belgium's will be unhappy, but sadly there is no common ground and both sides refuse to stand down. I will have to choose the best outcome for Belgium in the long month ahead.

I would like to thank you for waiting for my official statement on the current situation.

Yours Faithfully,

(acting CP)