An acute case of disappointment

Day 470, 15:02 Published in Romania Hungary by Quicksilver

Last few days Romanian media was full of loud voices, screaming that Iran and Indonesia is running from battle, that they are cowards and they do not want a battle with you. All the way through, the voices bragged that Romania would never do such thing, that you declare war and then you go to war and fight it and win it because you are the strongest, and such and so.

And so I believed. I believed in it for you do seem to be honest and hourable - and wanting to fight with Indo, finally measuring the two great powers of erepublik in an epic battle, a legendary war - Ragnarok.

But lo, what did I see today? Mighty Romania not wanting to give up an inch of a hungarian soil to fight with Indonesia, postponing the attack, flaming RWs and generally liking the chatterbox so much as to make one to play with - oh well, not Indonesia, no, you do not attack them, they are probably too strong, so you picked the smaller opponent, you are avoiding the big fight the same way indos did.

I did not expect it. Truly. I thought you wuld make good of boasts and attack indo. But I learn every day. You are doing the same thing you condemned and ridiculed in others. Shying away fron real, serious battles. Explaining away, oh yes, you can. I already hear the arguments.

Still, I am disappointed in you poeple.

I know, it is my problem.

