AMMs CPP PARTIES: Proposed Candidate

Day 1,020, 14:12 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

•Introduction To AngryMobMan
•Platform "Hierarchy"
•A Quick List of My Plans


Hello eCanada!

For those of you who do not know me, I am AngryMobMan. A current Canadian Paradox Party Member, and a current proposed candidate for the September 15th "Party President" elections!

I am a long-time member of the Canadian Paradox Party (approaching 1 year and 3 months now), who is fully dedicated to his work, and has seen the highs and lows of the CPP timeline. I am also a previous 2-time Party President of the CPP, and I am a 3-time Vice-Party President, and also a 2-time Canadian Paradox Party Head of Recruitment. Beyond just the party however, I have been very active in eCanadian politics, ranging from 4-time congressmen positions, to positions (including, but not limited to) such as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Education, and Minister of Immigration in eCanada.

Needless to say, I am a strong (and politically knowledgeable) candidate, whose intentions are to improve the Canadian Paradox Party, and return it to its original glory! My intentions of course (as you will be explained later in this, and future articles) are simple, to help the CPP strive back into the Top 5, helpling it become another jewel in the eCanadian political landscape.



This one lone article, will of course NOT be my entire platform. Instead, I have decided that it would be better for me to make a SERIES of articles (7 in total, including this introductory, and the last concluding article), which all go into deep detail about a specific subject (I will list them all down of course in the next paragraph), and post then daily, or bi-daily; then have one full article that is, in essence, a mere wall of text! So let's get into what my platform "sections" will consist of, shall we?

I've decided my platform will be broken down into seven sections, which are "Proposed Candidate (Introductory Article), Activity/Numbers (Recruitment Article), Revenue/Money (Economic Article), Time To Plan (Programs Article), IRC/Forums/Website (Communications Article), Executives (Cabinet Article), and finally Say Yes To AMM (Conclusion Article)", all of which, when using the first letter of each, makes out P.A.R.T.I.E.S., which seems like a suitable theme for the Party President Elections!

Although a complete list can be found at the end of this article, I will tell you now, that between right now, and the 14th of September, all articles will be completed, and summed up (but please, reference to the bottom of EACH article, to find out when each article will be released).

If you have any questions on the above idea (platform hierarchy), please contact me! 🙂



Although these will get placed into deeper detail in later articles, I wish to touch base right now, on THREE KEY GOALS (although I will do more than just 3 things) that I want to see achieved (or, closely achieved) during my next term, or potentially, terms! (NOTE: You will also see below a "Dream" goal, and a "realistic" goal. In other words, I will strive to MAKE THE DREAM GOAL of each, but I will be satisfied with the REALISTIC GOAL of each).

Goal #1: RECRUITMENT. Dream Goal is 200 Members, but the Realistic Goal is 150 Members. Although I will go further into detail with this in the ACTIVITY article, I wish to say that we will have some good plans going for getting new members coming to the CPP!

Goal #2: ACTIVITY. Dream Goal is to have 75 new posts being made on our forums each day, but the Realistic Goal is 40 new posts. This will of course be explained further in the ACTIVITY article!

Goal #3: CONGRESSIONALS. Dream Goal is to get 6 members into congress through any means, but the Realistic Goal is only 3! I will explain this aspect further in PROGRAMS article.

Of course, as the term goes on, many many new goals will come into play, but by the END of my first term, I will HOPE to achieve at least one of the above goals (although ideally, all 3 of course), through help via. my CABINET (which will be released later on).

If you need more explanation on the above topic, please don't hesitate to ask!


Thank you eCanada for reading! (Article Schedule below)


(1) Proposed Candidate: September 5th
(2) Activity/Numbers: September 6th
(3) Revenue/Money: September 8th
(4) Time To Plan: September 9th
(5) IRC/Forums/Website: September 11th
(6) Executives: September 12th
(7) Say Yes To AMM: September 13th