AMMs CPP PARTIES: Activity & Memberships

Day 1,021, 14:46 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

•Introduction of Our Current State
•What My Goals Are For Activity
•Method #1: Obtaining New Members
•Method #2: Keeping Our Current Members Alive (NEW PROGRAM!)
•Method #3: Getting Our Current Members Active
•Concluding Statements On Activity & Memberships

(Please note: This is not to slam the current management, but to rather identify our problem)

Right now in the Canadian Paradox Party, we (to put it bluntly) lack in active members both externally (i.e. voting in Congressional elections, Party President elections, and Country President elections) as well as a lack of activity internally (i.e. forum polls, overall general discussions, and IRC debates); and simply, thats just not good enough.

As for our current state in IN-GAME MEMBERSHIPS; we are down to 94 Members (which is, sad to say, 3 down less than we had on Saturday). Further from that, our forums, are not as active as they once were either. 50% of our forum memberships (so, about 20-30 people) are not from our party, but rather foreign diplomats from other parties. This is not the way it should be.

So from what I see now; for our party to run properly and efficiently, we need to target three key issues (all of which I will go into further detail about later in this article). First, we need to get members coming into our party so we can gradually work our way up to the Top 5. Once we start gaining new members in-game, we can bring them into our forums, and make sure they stay active! Secondly, we need to prevent our members from leaving the party, or even worse, dying because of lack of experience and lack of help from experienced players! Last but not least we need to get our members that are alive more active so they can actively participate in votes, polls, and so much much more! That's why, in these coming terms, old (and new) programs alike will all be run to help stop the (above) situations (and will all be explained later on in the article).



As you may have gathered above, our activity is in shambles in the CPP, which is why as of September 15th, the following four goals will be placed for the CPP to hopefully achieve over the coming month(s). I will personally make sure everyone that is active, does their own personal parts to achieve the following goals!

FIRST of all, the most obvious goal for me, will be to get us enough members to bring us back into the Top 5 position (which, at this current time, is approximately 80 members or so), which will then allow us to start running congressional candidates again under our OWN banner. This may seem like a tough thing to do in 30 days. But think about it. 80 members / 30 days is approximately 2.3 members recruited a day (so let's round to 3). Now if we have 6 recruiters, all they need to do is bring in 0.5 members a day, or 1 every other day! In my opinion, this is not a tough goal to achieve!

SECOND of all, the next goal for this term, will be to get over 75 members placed on our (soon-to-be) new forums. Since I have been talking to Neoice about getting a CPP forum going on the eCanadian website (like a sub-domain), and although the final details are yet to be made, it may just go through. So in the end, we will be needing 75+ members on our forums by the end of my term (whether that be 1 or 2 months from now).

THIRD and finally, the last goal is about public image. Within the 30 day term that I have, I expect to see at MINIMUM 20 articles posted from the Canadian Paradox Party newspaper, outlining important updates of our party, and letting new members know what we are all about! This again is not a terrible goal, since that (basically) works out to 2 articles being posted every 3 days, which is again, not a tough thing to do.

All the above are high-priority goals, which I WILL be making sure get done by the end of my term (or terms).



Attracting new members to your party is always the most challenging part as being an eRepublik Party President. However, if you know how to do it just right, you can be very successful, and your party size will increase. However, if you do it wrong, it can have terrible consequences on your party's public image (as we have all seen happen many times). So because of this, I have decided to stick with our basic recruiting techniques, which are your general PMs, (as stated above) daily articles to update citizens, and as well, introduce a line of incentives (such as food) to younger citizens that need the help. I will go into detail of each method now...

General PMs are just that. Private messages that are sent out from party executives or party recruiters to younger members of the community who want to a) join our party, or b) are looking for a party that suits their needs. It is not always in the quality of the message, but sometimes the TONE in which it is conveyed. That is why, during my term, I will be strictly enforcing the fact, that no recruiter is allowed to a) get mad at a younger citizen for asking questions, b) come across as snarky, and c) must be willing to give out information as it is requested to the young citizen. That way, the CPP gets the best first impression on new citizens!

Daily articles are also another great source of attracting citizens, because with articles, you are able to connect with a large group of citizens (young and old), and convey the same message to them. That is why, I will be making sure that my PR Assistant is able (and qualified) to do at minimum 20 articles over the term. Thus, that will enable new citizens to know as much as possible about our party. Of course, as I have said above, there will be now room for anger or sarcasm in the PR department either (for the same reasons as the PMs of course).

Finally, I also mentioned incentives (such as food). Although I will go into greater detail on this in the next section of the article, I will touch base on it now. Basically, the motive behind this thought is "too many citizens are dying because of lack of information, money, and wellness", and we here in the CPP are willing and ready to change that. Since it is new party members that need help the most (because of lack of money, and afterwards, lack of direction), it is them that will be targeted the most, but of course (as party members will find out later) it will eventually be open to anyone CPP.

Of course, the above ideas are always changing, and most likely new techniques will be added on to make way for said changes. The times are changing, and the CPP needs to stay on top of it.



As you saw above in the "Method #1" section of this article, I will be releasing a new program that will all be based around raising the wellness (so, in other words, preventing the death) of our younger CPP (and sometimes older CPP) members. Most of this is in the planning stage, but here are a few important details that will really get the program efficient:

1) The program will be on both a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE and a PRIORITY basis. What this means, is that in normal circumstances, it will be the first person who asks for food, will be the first to recieve it. however, in special occasions (such as someone who has 5 wellness comes back from RL issues and needs food badly), "line jumping" will be allowed. This way, everyone is satisfied, and the people who REALLY need the help from this program, will GET IT fast!

2) Supplies will be limited in some cases, but that does NOT mean it will take forever to get your food. In fact, within 24 hours, we will get your order completed (or, at the absolute maximum, 48 hours). However, to prevent abuse for people, a tally will be kept, and a MAXIMUM of 50 wellness can be asked for PER DAY, but only 300 wellness can be asked for in a WEEK (so it is best to space out your replenishments of health). Tis of course, does NOT carry over from week to week 😉

3) In some cases, there will be houses given out (for instance, if you are going on a RL trip and need extra happiness/wellness on top of your food) and MUST be given back if any "durability" is left in them.

Of course, since this is a new program that we have developed, there WILL be some bugs/flaws in it, so if things change, do not freak out, since it is our first time trying it too 😉



The third and final problem of the CPP, is the fact that our CURRENT ALIVE members, are not active (a few are, granted, but the vast majority are NOT). Which is why I want to use the FOLLOWING to help encourage members to participate more:

1) Contests WITH Prizes. If free stuff is being offered, people are more likely than not going to join the contest so they can win something. This is why (although it will be CPP Forum based) weekly contests will be held on the basis of "most posts posted in forums". That way, the winner recieves free stuff, and overall, the party becomes more active (since one a person starts being active, he/she is more likely to continue being active).

2) Encouraging our Off-Topic section / #CPP-GameRoom on IRC! Sometimes being a party member doesn't always mean you need to be strict and orderly. Sometimes, you are (almost requires) to have fun! That is why, I want to help stress the importance of our OFF_TOPIC/GAMES section of the forums, and as well our "live games" in #CPP-GAMEROOM on IRC, since logically, if someone enjoys something that is entertaining, they are more likely than not to stay at it, and continue coming back for more!

Of course, as I have said before, other techniques can and will be developed to help encourage all our members of all levels to come and get more active! 🙂



In conclusion I would like to say to all CPP members reading, to thoughtfully consider everything I have said above. Even if you are not chosen to be a part of my executive; it would still help out the party a lot, if you could do your own "freelance" recruitment, since in the end, it isn't about ME or YOU... it is about US, and building a stronger CPP for today and for tomorrow.

For anyone interested in getting more active, I encourage you to check out the following places:

--IRC: #CPP on (accessible from, or the eCan forums)




Thank you eCanada for reading! (Article Schedule below)


(1) Proposed Candidate: September 5th
(2) Activity/Numbers: September 6th
(3) Revenue/Money: September 8th
(4) Time To Plan: September 9th
(5) IRC/Forums/Website: September 11th
(6) Executives: September 12th
(7) Say Yes To AMM: September 13th