American Driven, American Powered

Day 833, 19:03 Published in USA USA by United Independents Party

The United Independents Party is proud to announce our first Presidential Debate "American Driven, American Powered" scheduled for this Wednesday (March 3) at 18:00 eRepublik Time. The UIP has invited candidates PigInZen, DanielCD, Joshua Patterson, and Andy Costello to participate in this debate which will be moderated by two prominent UIP members Chris Shnitzel and Illithian. If you have any questions for these candidates on any range of issues please fill out this form and our debate moderators will choose the best questions out of all submitted. We look forward to an engaging and lively debate on the most important issues facing the eUS at this time. The debate location will be in the IRC channel #eUS-Debate. Make sure to add that IRC channel to your auto-join because the UIP will be sponsoring many more debates on various issues ranging from taxes to foreign affairs in the future.

The Canidates

PigInZen" />
A previous POTUS Candidate, one of PigInZen's more controversial and interesting ideas is to raise import taxes.

DanielCD" />
The man oftentimes credited with getting the Libertarian Party back on track, DanielCD has also proven himself in three separate presidential cabinets.

Joshua Patterson" />
Joshua Patterson is known for being unkown; he never deals with terrorists!

Andy Costello" />
Andy Costello is an exemplary officer in the United States Training Corps; he espoused his plan to always have the US involved in a military campaign.

Care to join us?
Here's a quick run down:

Where? #eus-debate will be the main debate channel (on Rizon). Before the debate everyone will be able to talk in the channel and discuss it. During the debate only the candidates will be able to speak. You can join #uip at any time though for 24/7 fun. During the debate you might wanna join there anyway for some fun, and often humorous side-discussions. You can use this link and it will automatically open up IRC in your browser and bring you to #eus-debate and #uip.

When? We realize this is somewhat short notice but it will be Wednesday, March 3, at 18:00 eRepublik Time. That is 6 PM Pacific, 7 PM Mountain, 8 PM Central, and 9 PM Eastern.

Who? Ya know those candidates you just saw big avatars of a minute or so ago? Them. As previously mentioned as well, the moderators will be Chris Shnitzel and Illithian.

How? Candidates will be asked questions provided by this form: Yes. All of the questions will be developed by your fellow citizens. The debate will be fairly informal yet will still hold at least a base structure. We recommended that when you ask a question you select to ask all candidates so that it may be easily discussed amongst each other. If you're on the debate channel during the debate and if we have your IRC nickname on record we will allow you to come up and ask the question yourself!

As always America," />

The United Independents Party