America Needs Immigration Reform

Day 1,244, 17:49 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

As I look down the list of nearly one hundred names currently waiting for citizenship approval to the eUnited States, I see predominantly people from nations who have long been friendly and shared the interests of our country. I see people who clearly want to become eAmericans and make their elives more fulfilling and help our nation in the process. The tragic part about this is... few of these people will ever be granted their wish.

This is why we need eImmigration Reform. I propose that every person who applies be asked if they will defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and pledge to be loyal citizens of our country. If they agree, barring any extreme circumstances, these applicants should be admitted. Instead, they simply go unnoticed and are forgotten, or even worse, are singled out to not be admitted for absurd reasons.

Our country needs all the loyal citizens it can get. America was built by immigrants in real life and there is no reason why the same cannot apply in the eWorld. We need a serious reformation of the IES process that puts an end to the admittance of those who can legitimately pose a danger to our national security interests while recognizing that the great majority of applicants will only benefit our nation in terms of growing its population, its economy, and its military power.

It's time to start applying common sense and approaching our immigration system in a way that will enhance our great nation and make it even stronger.

Pizza The Hut
ACP Party President
AED General of the Army
Former Congressman
Former Country Presidential Candidate