America, it's time for us to step up

Day 417, 23:23 Published in USA USA by Vincent Garibaldi

No, I'm not talking about defending our allies in Sweden, where I currently am. What I mean is we need to fix our politics.

America, like every other country in eRepublik has some problems with it's political system. You're better off waiting for Godot, than waiting on the admins to fix politics of all things.

Let's start with what the individual citizen can do.

1. Inform yourself. It's not that hard. I'm reasonably sure that most of the people here are literate to some degree.

2. Vote. It's so easy a zombie could do it, and here in eRepublik, even we convicted felons can too. So on election day, go from being a 2-clicker to a 3-clicker. Along with this vote based on the candidate, not the party. Half of all the candidates should really be running under a different party than they are. So even if you think your party is, and always will be in the right, make sure your candidate stands for what you stand for.

3. This goes for members of our government as well, I'm afraid. Calm down. Arguments happen, criticism can be good, and a little playful banter is great, but whatever happens in government, it won't be the end of the new world. If we really screw up, we'll fix it eventually, that's what America is about.

Now for the parties.

I can sum up what I would like to see from our political parties with the following: listen to your members PP's. We're (I was) party presidents, not party Führers. I'm all for nominating our Lord and Savior Michael Lewis for the presidency for a day, or even a week, but when election time rolls around, ask your members who they want to endorse. You can even have a vote. Anarchy endorsed Justin based on a poll among party members. Did it really matter in the grand scheme of things? No, but that's because we're the Anarchy party. When it comes to the big ones though it does, and you should. Parties need to listen to their members more than once a month.

Along side this, I also advocate holding primaries for congress. I highly doubt that every party only has one person who wants to run in every state. So you can hold a primary. If you have a closed primary, i.e. only local party members vote, you'll end up having the candidate that your party really wants. If you hold an open primary, i.e. all locals can vote, you'll end up with the candidate most likely to win.

I know there are some technical hurdles implementing this, and that like the real world turnout may be low, but we citizens have managed to do plenty of things here with out admin help, and I know we can do this too.

America considers itself the home of liberty and democracy, so let's act like it. It's been said that "we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us." So America, let's step up and show the world just how democracy is supposed to work.

Comments, criticisms, subscriptions, votes, and most especially reforms are always welcome.

P.S. Join Anarchy. We're kind of a big deal, people know us.