America Has Chosen!

Day 918, 13:38 Published in USA Canada by Haliman

And, I gotta say,

She has good taste.

I have been elected as a senator. Thank you to everyone who voted for me. And I hope to show everyone who did not why they should have 🙂

I have a list of people to thank. So, I'll just dive in there and start this list...


Syrup - Good guy. Supported me a lot and actually cared if I won or not.

Skooth - I've counted on you for a long time, and you didn't let me down. <o

Aurelius Ambrosius - Good guy from the Brolliance. I knew I could count on you man.

Greene - Thanks for not Sniping me man!

mjdiv - Sent me a TAMA endorsement and really hoped I would win 😛

Emerick - Didn't help me with the campaign, but...

Big thanks to all of the APF, though. Thanks guys!
