America Über Alles

Day 982, 15:13 Published in USA USA by St Krems
America, it’s been a while. Too long since I’ve blessed you with an article. But after numerous PMs, emails, tickets and late night skype conversations spent trying to decipher a Romanian’s broken attempts at English, I have finally regained access to my in game account. The current rumour is that restoring my access was an early birthday present to me from the wonderful people who run this game.

Anyway, along with restored account access comes the ability to write articles and it strikes me that you are all still breathlessly anticipating my platform and my VP pick, well, let me keep you in suspense no longer!

Wallingtonbottom :3

I’ll begin with my VP pick since it’s the most important issue and one of the best people I can offer to you, America.. The Man who has so graciously agreed to run along side me, and to be my VP should you elect me is an American Legend. Credited with saving the country during the Emerick Presidency, as well as being one of our leading minds in the field of economics. He has literally been one of the foundations for this country for as long as I can remember. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you tonight, the man who destroyed the Indonesians, the man behind PANEC, the forum administrating Gold Beast* that is.....


For those of you who don’t know Publius, he has served in practically every government job in the executive branch and the military but has never been able to stomach the politics enough to run for President. He’s currently a forum administrator, an officer in the Marines, the center of many memes (PUBLIUS FIST being the most notable) and a store house of experience, knowledge, and common sense.

Part of the reason I asked him to serve as my VP is that our economy needs fixing. Make no mistake, as a country we are broke. This is not a problem specifically localised to us, the entire world is facing economic difficulties but it’s something we must work to fix. We are seeing a shift away from gold based economies as gold becomes more valuable due to increased demand and decreased supply thanks to admin becoming more efficient at sucking gold out of the game.

An artist’s impression of Admin

One of my main priorities will be to try to decide how to restructure our economy to deal with this. In fact, it could easily be the defining problem of the coming term. Towards this end, I plan to re-instate the Economic Council to advise me and Kongress on how to navigate the new economic module. The EC fell into disuse during V1 due to the fact that Publius, One Eye and a number of other great minds had effectively figured out the economic module of that version of the game. We now need new economists and thinkers to step up and help our country. Publius shall be the guiding force of the EC and choose its new members but what we need is those with the inspiration and skill to step up. We need a new One Eye, will it be you?

In the short term we need to consider another problem. America, we are wasting gold. We have several high resource regions that are unused, as we do not get any benefits by having two high regions of the same resource. I am proposing that we rent out these regions to our friends, or countries that we are trying to woe ASAP. Not only does this provide us with a gold inflow from rent, but it also strengthens our foreign relations as we have seen with Poland. It also makes us harder to invade with Poland stopping Russia from conquering anything past California. America, this is good foreign policy. I’m sure your mother told you that it’s easier to make and keep friends once they’re inside you and be assured, America, that I have some very interesting thoughts on who we should invite to enter us.

Personally, I noticed we did a lot of losing recently. I’ve been speaking to some members of the JCS as well as some militia leaders and I have a couple thoughts on the matter. Firstly, I’d like to move civilian coordination to an entirely new venue. Simply put, I want to coordinate our civilians over a real time audio stream. If we get a militia leader or member of the JCS giving out orders through real time, without having to type everything out it will make for much smoother teamwork. IRC has obvious draw backs to organising large groups of people in a very short time frame, namely having to type everything out and them having to constantly check the IRC page to see their orders. I will be conducting tests to see how effective this system is before we consider implementing it wholesale.

Next, I want to work with the JCS and Kongress to change the way the military runs their communes. Simply put, there’s a piece of Congressional legislation that prevents them running their companies for the lowest total cost. I want to work with them to negotiate with Kongress on this issue and provide the political brain to their brawn, so to speak. If nothing else, it will be nice to see the military and the executive branch working together on something, which hasn’t happened in a while 😛

Looking deep into your eyes America,
St Krems

P.S. Be sure to vote for me in the National Primary on the 2nd, and to use your actual in game vote to help our allies on the 5th.

*Editor’s Note: Gold Beast is a term for a V1 ‘tank’. Use of this term began back when Nave ‘tanked’ in the can-am war and died out well before the end of V1.