America and Canada - Pushing for the better

Day 607, 17:39 Published in USA Canada by Daniel Hawkins
Canada needs America, America needs Canada


Welcome citizens, to another edition of The DH Journal.

If you haven't already notice, which I'm sure you have, our battles have finally turned for the better. We lost an epic battle in Nunavut, a record-breaking battle for Nova Scotia, a second battle for Alaska, but we have finally put our past behind, and it shows. Our recent victories in New Brunswick, Canada, and Montana, USA, were crucial to stop repeated attacks from PEACE, and marks our second and third victories in this war for the ages. This was Canada's first successfully defended region in the war, and it made us, aswell, pick up our heads.

Citizens, this is America. We've come too far to let PEACE stroll in and pick off our regions one by one. We need to make a stance, now, and our battles for New Brunswick and Montana have helped our cause. We're not looking as hopeless, as unawesome, and we've finally boosted the morale and the looks on our citizens faces. We're fighting to defend our freedom, our country, our fellow citizens, everything we have. I salute any and all Americans who have been fighting non-stop and doing everything they can to support the war effort. I salute you, America. We now see, that once we put our past aside and fight as one, we only now see our true strength, our true power, and our true color, and our true stars and stripes.

All I have to say, fellow Americans, is keep your head high, and don't doubt our strength
. We can do anything in this eWorld, and we need you.