America's true natural enemy

Day 1,121, 22:25 Published in USA USA by Turd Fergusen

America is in chaos. Revolutionary government forces fighting the Resistance. Some fgts trying to PTO some other fgts. American fighting American. Anarchy! Treason! USWP! We are tearing this country apart from the inside out! IT IS MADNESS. AHHHH
Our enemies laugh at us. DIO frowns as his children turn on each other.

Instead America should unite against its one true enemy. Russia? No. Serbia? Wut the hell is a Serbia? No. Our one true enemy is CANADA. Yes. We've been played America... Those overly polite, pasty, French loving, so called "bros" to the north envy all America is. They seek to become what we are. A real country. Long have they plotted the downfall of America. While we fight each other, the evil Canadians prepare there battle mooses and "state of the art" slingshots (they really hurt kind of)

Long has the Canadian sought to weaken us, to catch us off guard. Justin Beiber is actually a Canadian spy sent to corrupt and weaken our youth turning them into retarded husks of humans. Easy pickings once the invasion begins. Long have Canadians seduced the unwary American with their unwavering politeness, talks of "brolliance", and dislike for conflict of any kind. This is a ploy to catch us off guard, to believe the Canadian is a friendly organism. This is false. And the French. The FRENCH. They voluntarily speak and tolerate French in Canada. What barbarism. Ew.

How could we have not seen this treachery before America? First of all, the Canadian as a species are related to the Swede. They worship the snow, and are pig disgusting capitalists. How can we trust those who's values are ruled by greed and filth? How can we make a pact with a pig. True the Canadian is not "human" in the strictest definition of the word, but we must treat them as a viable threat else they catch us off guard.

The only viable course of action to take against the Canadian menace, is a preemptive strike. With DIO on our side we cannot lose.
We must destroy Canada before they destroy us.
CanAm War II Nave's Revenge anyone?

And remember, is this the future you want America?

Take up arms against the Canadian menace