
Day 395, 15:38 Published in USA Bulgaria by Jewitt

So, the war module, treason, and food is all on our thoughts. Where shall I begin?

Glitches a Coincidence?

Many are saying that the war glitches are coincidences, and that it is favoring PEACE. Quite frankly, I have noticed this as well, but they happen at high-stress situations in the battle. It could easily be the system messing up; plus this happened to Italy as well.

I personally want to see this war ended on the grounds of faulty equipment. I also want glitches fixed with war; I personally can testify to the hospital not allowing me to heal (after I fought today and did not fight or heal yesterday) as well as a glitch in the trivia screen where it was a blank page, and still subtracted my wellness.

Quite frankly, I do not think it is a conspiracy. What is a conspiracy, is the USWP leadership.

Benedict Arnold or J.F. Kennedy?

Four out of five of the top news articles in eUSA today are about treasonous actions on behalf of the USWP. Although some are generalizations, I will clearly note that I am speaking of the USWP leadership and active community with agreed with the actions of that leadership.

The fact of treason is true if the charges come to manifest. The charges come to me as follows:

1. Breaking the chain of command in the eUS Armed Forces.
-Further reinforced by instructing USWP members not participate in the war.
2. Requesting public endorsement or aid from a leader of an enemy of the state.
-Stating "meddling with the enemy" which the leader of an enemy nation is the enemy.

These two main points are true of the leadership and endorsers if they did, in fact, break the chain of command and instructed their members to not fight. Not quite treasonous, but worthy of court martial to any eUS Army / National Guard soldier. If it is true that USWP leadership contacted the French President in hopes of seeking support, this is definitely and cannot be argued as anything except for treasonous activity. The members and leaders of a political party have no right, unless for sabotage or espionage (both treasonous), to seek support from a foreign leader. Sabotage meaning to undermine the chain of command and organization of the eUS Military and espionage to share information that is exclusive.

I am not calling the USWP (leaders and supporters of them) traitors, but am demanding they put forth evidence claiming their fault or innocence. Not doing so, and attacking General Shafer or President Dover via media is nothing but dog tactics.

Yum Yum, in My Tum

Food prices are surprisingly down, but so is the USD. Its current exchange rate is 1 USD = 0.014 GOLD (Two weeks ago, it was to the equivalent to 0.017 GOLD). This is very disheartening to me, as I am an avid supporter of a strong USD currency (I still stand by my position that 0.020 GOLD = 1 USD is a healthy value) but, alas, we must let the market correct itself. Meddling in the economy may just further hurt it.

In more news on the issue, I am glad to see that a 10% grain tax (as with all raw materials eventually) has been passed through Congress. This will raise food prices, just as they were going back down. However, with this, the eUS Government is rumored to be getting ready to announce a suspension of pay to military personnel, or at least to the National Guard. This will only help the value of the USD, but will inevitably hurt our established armed forces.

In Other News

I thought this clearly defined the admin's position on the war:

Thanks goes to a birdie. Liability Goes to the Wildlife Safety Bureau

I am also looking for news correspondents to aid in my research and writing, as well as getting foreign insight into the publications. If you feel like you would like to participate in The Jewitt Report, then PM me or Jewron Incorporated.

I am designing a non-profit weapons company to offer cheap weapons to the eUS Government during war time and will appreciate any support or questions. A message to either my account or Jewron will get a reply in 24 hours or less.
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To Do List:

Go home and hug your mom and tell her you love her. If you don't have a mom, then go hug someone else's mom. I'm sure she will appreciate it. If she doesn't, slap her.

Vote this article up; you might be glad you did one day. If you are forgetful like I am, then subscribe. Not only does it make you feel good, but you might accidentally prevent yourself from knowing when I publish my next article.

-Jewitt, Chief Editor