Alright, You Caught Me

Day 1,304, 16:22 Published in Egypt Egypt by ReconWarHawk
This is for humor purposes, anyone seen continuing the current argument will be removed from my friends list and no longer recieve my trolling. If you are not on my friends, I will add you and troll the living hell out of you. Have a nice day

Over the past few days I have felt the walls collapse in on me, it is clear my charade is being exposed. I never expected to get this far, it was all a scam an idea purposed by an old real life friend. Please let me start at the beggining.

Four months ago I was approached by a Real Life Friend, yah they exist, to join the game eRepublik. He was a real life American, like me, yet he was a citizen of eNew Zealand. I joined the game but was informed that I should join eEgypt. Perplexed I asked why, he said nothing and said it was a favor for a friend.

Well a month went buy and I found myself in ownership of a newspaper. I quickly wrote articles and developed a small group of subscribers, a small cult if you will. I was then approached by a mysterious man, not eEgyptian and not a RL friend, his name was Glove.

Glove said he had big plans for eEgypt and that he needed my participation. He told me to come to the UN, yah the RL UN, into the 34th level of the basement. Nervous I showed up on time to the meeting to find a group of figures wearing American Flag hoodies sitting around a table. In the group was my friend from Real Life, he told me to take a seat in the Egyptian seat. I soon noticed that every seat had a different country on it, peculiur.

"So is this like a Mock UN or Somethin" I asked with my characteristic smile. This brough a few chuckles from the group but then an uncomfortable silence ensued for four long minutes. Finally the head of the table removed his hood and began to speak " I am Glove and this is the Order of the Constitution".

My RL friend had drafted me to PTO eEgypt as part of a large scheme to take over the whole eWorld. They had based there plan of "The Protocols of Zion" by a Daniel Ender and believed the only reason it was not successful was because of the lack of an international hero. I would love to provide a picture of the plan, but to remain undercover and off the PTO list I was forbidden from buying a map.

Slowly I snuck my way through the ranks using amazing charm and persistance (and of course modesty). The Greek invasion, I have to claim credit for that. It was all a plan so the eMacedonian sleep CP could provide an easy path for the eUSA to enter eEgypt. eGreece was not so compliant with the Order's demands. Luckily we had a charming congressman and we fed on the eGreeks demand for resources, we also intentionally screwed the land swap by having Americans fight with eGreek banners (notice a sudden lose in battles for the eUSA at that time?).

By the time I was MoFA the time was dawning for the Order to unveil its master plan. I launched one last final attempt at Country President, to coincide with Glove's and the others elections, but was handily beaten by Varlosh. I had until the 15th of June to kill Varlosh as a last ditch attempt to finish the plan, but sadly Varlosh removed his JFK quote from IRC making it impossible.

The eUSA is losing its current war because eEgypt was not in place to connect the neccessary territories to ensure their domination. May god save glove and the rest of the Order.