All we have is hope

Day 360, 19:10 Published in Pakistan Japan by undergeneral

We will fight in the countryside, we will fight in the streets, we will fight in alleys and we will fight anywhere until the remains of our country have been destroyed piece by piece and the pigs finally win the war.
But we must never forget how that in one last war that Pakistan was fought by the brave ones. Brothers and sister we shall stand untied as the darkness begins overcomes our land. If this is our final moment that let it be the moment where everyone shall remember our greatest achievement, the achievement where we showed what we are capable of honor, pride and courage in the face of annihilation. Let this country become the stuff of legend.
Over time our story shall change ever so slightly but the knowledge that we existed, that we fought even as the battle was lost. Let us believe that we are worthy of becoming legend. For honestly that is all we have now, hope.
*please pigs do not insult Pakistan for the lose of our is enough