All I want for Christmas is a...

Day 379, 14:19 Published in Ireland Ireland by Vyse

....Michael Collins Presidency. So as you may of guessed this is my endorsement for Michael Collins whom was President from March 1st 2008 - May 1st 2008. I feel he has the experience, activity and knowledge to bring Ireland forward through difficult times. Collins last Presidency proved he is a person that sees beyond Party Lines and works for the betterment of Ireland and not his own ego.

So I was glad when I heard that the Party I founded (Irish Union Party) would be officially endorsing Michael Collins to earn a 3rd Mandate as President of Ireland. Now I'm not going to write a long article of the pros and cons of each candidate. Instead I urge you to just read their papers and make your own conclusions. I think you may well come to the same one I have. That's vote Collins so we can have a strong Ireland for Christmas. It'll be the best gift we can give our nation.