All Hail the King of Chaos!

Day 1,013, 20:53 Published in USA USA by Fionia

23:42 Max_McFarland_2 For some reason, they don't believe me. 😃
23:43 Fionia i wonder why 😛
23:43 Max_McFarland_2 Dunno. I'm open and helpful with everyone.
23:43 Max_McFarland_2 I have never given anyone any reason to suspect me of ill intent.
23:44 Max_McFarland_2 I can even convince myself of that if I say it enough.

The one and only, master of bullet points and incredibly irritating vagueness, the double-speaking expert with the golden touch, he is the undisputed king of chaos, making things 'interesting' wherever and whenever he chooses.

And damn, I'm glad to see him back. One of the most simultaneously frustrating and fun people to deal with, he'll always be welcome to hang out with the USWP as long as he provides the entertainment. 😁