Alexander Hamilton for POTUS!!

Day 1,075, 11:40 Published in USA USA by Onishi

Hello Readers. In my previous article, I accidently re-used photo from several days ago. Sticking to my promise, I am now dedicating this article to Tiamati.Magick, who pointed out the flaw, and his chosen subject that he wishes to advertise.

Alexander Hamilton is running for the position of President of the United States of America in December '10, with Draak as his Vice President. I can't honestly say I know either of these guys really well, though I've spoken to both of them several times on IRC and the'>forums, and from what I've seen, they are two of the nicest guys in eRepublik, they really know the ins and out of the game, and the political scenery. If anyone deserves it, they do.

Now, onto the important stuff, don't forget to vote and subscribe if you want to see more of this...

Remember, 4 pictures daily, and 16 if I miss a day. Go back through previous articles for more.

Also, if I post the same picture twice, even months from now, the next day I will supply 16 pictures, all dedicated to the first person to point it out. I will also print an advertisement of their choice in this paper.

Don't forget to vote and subscribe.