Alexander Etch PP manifesto

Day 571, 05:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance

Hey all, I’m Alex your party president candidate. Let me begin with a little history lesson for all of you who don’t know me yet. I joined the RFA party after a long period of inactivity which began shortly after the failure of the government in operation French Toast. I felt isolated from the hierarchy of the eUK ie the ‘old guard’ who proceeded to flame anyone with ideas a little different to theirs. I expected no different from the RFA, however I was surprised to find it an open and welcoming party, willing to accept my views. Through this I gained the confidence to run for congress in the south east where I came top with 13 votes. Now I am two time congress winner and have made the south east a stronghold of the RFA.

History lesson over now here are some of my ideas for the party.


I believe that the key to gaining more members is by continued media coverage. It worked for the BEP and under my temporary party leadership after Goku left it had worked for us too, increasing our members to a never before seen 180 from 160 in just a matter of weeks. Yes the party newspaper would be central to this, however we would use others as a means of letting our views be exposed to a multiple number of audiences. The reason for this is that not everyone reads the party news paper and generally the people who do are already party members. We need to expose our brilliant policies to as many people as possible.


Through successfully running for two congressional seats I have had the chance to see where the RFA has been going wrong in congress elections. We have simply had too many people running in one county. For example one vote in Northern Ireland made the difference between Restro being not elected and that one vote went to another congress candidate from our party. To stop this from happening again a success planner would plan which regions a potential congressman would run in long before the actual elections then, closer to the elections the RFA member would begin to try to win over voters through question session on the IRC or regional forums and by other means, some of which are confidential to people not in the party ; ).


These are the life line of the eUK and since the beginning of my temporary PP the party forums have become a hive of activity. This is a very encouraging sign as it means greater party coordination. It also means that people can feel more of a part of the RFA rather then just feeling powerless in party decisions.

RFA ideas

Many ideas have come to light recently in my short time as temporary PP for the RFA, some better then others, but I will take this time to explain some of them to you.

Small Party Ambassador – This would be used to gain better relations with the smaller parties of the eUK, which could lead to a possible merger with one, greatly increasing our numbers and political weight in the country.

RFA company- this would offer competitive jobs for party members and would be used to raise funds for the party. I’m there are a few new people reading this wanting and job that they just cant find, the RFA would supply you with that job.

RFA corps- this is a very radical and debated idea that I believe would create a better gaming experience for newbies and more experienced players alike. It would be a military unit used to fight in the RFA’s interests overseas and domestically. This would enable members to gain more experience and give the party more military expertise maybe eventually leading to gaining a spot on the war council.

Peoples Ambassador- this would be used as a means of making newer members more aware of what our party can offer them through personally answering questions they may have and giving them the opportunity to see what plans we have for the eUK.

I would generally here tell you my foreign policy, however this is a party election and I believe it would just dilute my argument. What I will say however is I am for the eUK standing by its moral duties, but never when it harms the eUK.

Please, vote for me or Joachim von Bremen. He is a highly capable candidate that I’m sure if I don’t get elected, will continue my work and make this party truly great as it deserves to be.

Thankyou for your time, if you have any questions about this or the game in general don’t hesitate to ask.