Alex4 PP WRP

Day 2,577, 10:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Aleksandar.V Popovic

GOOD DAY eUKers and WRP members

At the lack of fancy images and banners of the Party which I am member,I will write PP article as like this.

First of all want to tell that have not any high hopes that I will win and maybe haven"t any chances to win the upcoming elections for PP of WRP.What can I bring?.
What can I offer?.Well this two questions it will be hard to answer in just two words: equality and gouverning.WRP are active Party,not much in this couple of past days,but that can be improved.
Gouverning:well gouverning yes WRP atill in the Gouverment of eUK holding MoF-Ministary of Finance.In the past Congressional elections WRP had 6 seats,and when I am saying "the past elections",I have meant before wipeing out of the eWorld.Eventhougth WRP holding role in the Gouverment which is great for any Party,not just for WRP,but that also can be changed in the future,as every future CP candidate will set his cabinet and it will depend would that candidate call any WRP member to be in his cabinet and that will be before CP elections and it will hold talks with candidate from other Party which WRP support if WRP hadn"t own candidate.

Current PP of WRP and Minister of Finance Huey George done a lot"s good things for the Party managing to be aproachable to the WRP members in one side,at the same time to be aproachable to the Gouverment and to current CP of eUK.
WRP are very respectable,helpfull to the members and considering each and every member to be push forward,but doesn"t have fresh blood,young politicians which ideas,suggestions and eagerness for the better Party couldn"t be enough reachable for the improvement of his political carreer as well for the improvement of the WRP.That also could be improved and I"ll work as PP for that task be reachable.Each and every member of the WRP have to work for the improvement of the Party as well as the PP and together to work much more for the Party and for eUK.

Communication😛P and the Party officials have to be more reachable for the members,to help them in their adjusment for better playing this game.IRC channell will be reconstructed and active for all member of WRP who want to participate in the various discussions and other matters.
Training Ground loans for the adjusment of the WRP members training for the strength,better equipment with supplies for the fighting and defending our country will be given for each and every member of WRP.

Congress elections are on the 25th of each month and the order of candidates for the elections of WRP candidates will be the day before elections.The finall list of candidates will be changeable.What that means?.It will mean that WRP candidate for the Congress elections will be those one who hadn"t be in the Congress of eUK ever and also the advantage to be on the finall list will have younger members.

WRP is respectfull,gouverning and strengtfull Party valueing each and every member and helping them to develop carreer on the right way.Also WRP are and will be more reachable and will give help,will countinue to work for the interests of eUK,doing the job as best as it could be done.WRP will countinue to support candidate for the CP elections if and when WRP haven"t own.

On the Party Presidential elections which will be held for 5 days on the 15th of the December 2014.

Aleksandar-Alex Popovic