Albania welcomes Turkey!

Day 1,488, 16:35 Published in Albania North Macedonia by ¤Anon.4750191¤

Finally Turkey made the right choice and left the alliance of shame.
They are now at the place where they should be, beside Albania.

Albanian people are happy to have Turkey against Serbia and its puppets. They wanted this alliance since they were born in the game. Albania will propose a MPP with Turkey in the following days.

This will be a great loss for ONE, as Romania will be released, and will be able to help in the downfall of Serbia. Turkey will probably delete Iran, and then continue in Europe.

To think all this started with the poll of Kosovo and finished with Turkey-Iran conflicts.

In any way, the Albanian government welcomes Turkey in this group!
As for the greek people, we would like to call them to act the same.
Please Greece, forget RL with Turkey, like Hungary-Serbia did. 😉
We're sure you are noble people and will do this like you did with us Albanians.