Alaskas Vote Yes for EDEN

Day 741, 23:47 Published in USA Greece by Maxx Johnson

Yesterday President Frost announced that we have formally joined the EDEN alliance. As someone who voted “Yes” to this measure I feel it is important to explain why.

Military Strategy:

We have recently operated very closely with EDEN in military affairs, defending both at home and our allies abroad as well as working to liberate PEACE occupied regions. At face value this seems to work well. However, at that time our military Commanders had no vote or say in the actions of EDEN forces or in the nomination and selection of the Supreme Commander of these forces. In addition to this we also had no voice or vote towards toward gaining support should we want to take any aggressive action, which realistically we would not take without the support of the EDEN alliance. Joining EDEN allows us a greater degree of flexibility and gives our diplomats both the ability to pose those options formally and vote on them. Finally it was the recommendation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that this is the best option moving forward for our forces.

Diplomatic Ties:

Similar to military strategy, by joining EDEN we are given a place within the alliance for our senior diplomats. Prior to joining the alliance we had no vote in the policy set by the alliance, and no voice in helping to shape the goals held by it. Joining EDEN has given us a seat on the Council and in these decisions and allows our diplomats to formally work to preserve our interests and help forward our agenda.

Mutual Defense:
The eUS has come a long way and is a global power both in military might and in our economic strength. Despite this, we still are not able to stand alone, or with only a few nations, against our enemies. We simply could not expect to stand on the outside of the EDEN alliance, gaining the benefits of it without the potential drawbacks, forever. To think that is ridiculous and is playing a dangerous game of fate with our nations defense. It is critical that moving forward we continue to show strength in the defense of ourselves and of our allies. Adding our name to EDEN shows the next step in that strength and will provide us with the security we need moving forward.

I absolutely hate the “we own them” angle, but history remains what it is. The fact is many of these countries, literally, gave it their all to get us back on our feet. These countries stood by us to keep us on the map, and helped to fund us as we regained our territory. Since that time they may have changed their name, but we still face a very common and familiar enemy. The former PEACE nations continue their offensive across the globe, and it is critical that now, more than ever, we present a face of unity against them. By banding together, under the EDEN flag, we are showing that we will relentlessly oppose PEACE across the globe, and that nations who continue their aggression will not be tolerated.

In closing it is important to understand that I and most every other Congressman had some reservation in voting yes on this matter, and that every single one of us will work to ensure that history does not repeat as it did with the failures of Atlantis. It is also important to understand that we realize that, like with any major commitment, there are drawbacks to our decision. At this time though joining EDEN is the logical step to ensure our security moving forward, and in strengthening our nation.

Maxx Johnson

You can read President Frosts article here:

The official announcement by EDEN here:

The official vote and discussion here:,15227.0.html