Alaska Or Bust!

Day 708, 18:38 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden


Click the flags for your Battle Orders!

Battle of Alaska: eUSA vs eHungary





The Liberation of North America is COMPLETE!

Congrats to all who participated in making the eHun's day just little more dreary!
Emerick got the early start in the Battle, racking up over 16K damage in opening minutes.

Allied Battle Hero: eUS Field Marshal Archibald, at -22,022 Damage.

PEACE GC Battle Hero: darkyojimbo, at 16,440 Damage.

Brolliance / EDEN PWNS! PEACE GC!!!


Images from the Battle:

Here we see Eugene Harlot, Emerick and Gaius Julius
arriving in Alaska earlier today. Their activities are classified
and cannot be disclosed at this time.

In this grainy photo taken with a button cam, we see John A Kelly
applying detonation cord to explosives on eHun supply tracks.

eUS Paratroopers dropping in behind enemy lines.
Their mission is to capture and hold bridges,
it's all a question of bridges really.

Brolliance supply drop. Location cannot be disclosed,
but combat units will relish the tasty chocolate bars and
ammo very soon.

Civilian Forces arrive at fighter's crew park. The coffee truck was late,
but brought coffee and donuts to the front lines when it arrived.
The eTeamsters witheld their threat to strike.

In this photo you can see newly armed eUS insurgents blowing up
the eHungarian Evacuation Refugee Police Engagement Station,

In this photo, taken seconds later in a different district of
the eUS Refugee Camp of Anchorage you can see the
eHungarian Loudspeaker System be diplomatically reappropriated.
No more, "GI, why do you fight this war for the Imperialists?
They get richer while you die in the Tundra, GI..."
This was jankems second blast in the camps, sending him
past Emerick for Allied Battle Hero lead at -18,225 damage.

Here we can distinctly make out the profile of Gofarman
as he sets to fire a Q5 RPG.

Fram's family giving fresh fish and supplies to eCanadian
patrol Submarine: CSS Triton.

An unknown soldier lifting his glass to a successful
combat engagement with the eHun. That dude is sweating
like a priest eating a hotdog at boys choir practice.

Yes. That is as cold as it looks. That is Jewitt laying
charges under the ice in case eHun's try to escape to eRussia.

The eCanadian CSS Yukon, seen patrolling the Arctic
waters for eRussian Subs.

CAF Soldiers marking targets for air strikes. Without
markers from the ground, the pilot's ability to hit their
targets are greatly reduced.

eHungarian Tanks - finally responding to the Allied onslaught!

EDEN Special Ops agent Neil III on assignment. We are fortunate to
get a photo like this. They move so fast and blend in so
well with their environment, very chameleon like... Go n3!
By the way - love the Ted Nugent styles Bow!

PEACE GC's Zoli is seen fleeing the Battle early in a HiND
helicopter. He was last heard shouting something about "teh lulz".

Upon seeing the early assault by Brolliance forces,
GLaDOS hails a HiND himself...

eHungarian soldiers on the retreat from Juneau.
These soldiers were later taken prisoner.
Brolliance Mechanized Infantry rounded em up.

CAF Mechanized Infantry is tasked with collecting prisoners.
They are to be detained for questioning.

The PEACE GC Embassy in Kaliningrad, eRussia.
PEACE needs eRussia now more than ever!!!

eRussian reinforcements arrive in Anchorage. Don't you
just love those furry sable hats?

In foreground darkyojimbo, eIndonesian Tank airlifts a
squad of eRussians into Alaska. darkyojimbo establishes a
guerilla network to disrupt Allied supply lines, which do
not technically exist within the confine of the eRep War
module. He scores 16,440 in damage taking the lead for
the eHungarian defensive effort nonetheless.

The eCanadian Arctic Special Ops Company is surveying
the ice in the Arctic. This mission is to spot eRussian
reinforcements, and report to HQ.

The eCanadian ASOC spotted this eRussian Sub attempting to
supply reinforcements.

eUS Field Marshal Archibald flies in under radar and detonates
a massive concussion blast designed to implode submarine hulls.
With this blast he takes the lead in the Allied Battle Hero competition
with -22022 in damage!

After the eRussian sub slipped beneath the waves and
serenity returned to the Great White North, the area of
ice which was melted by the blast strangely resembles

The CAF's own Coda spearheading an armoured flanking
manouevre to re-secure supply lines, which had been at
the mercy of darkyojimbo's guerilla network.

PEACE GC Mobile Command Moho. It is bullet-proof all round,
has adaptive climate control - with remote control.
Tires have all steel farings - to protect from pesky
shrapnel blasts. Two toned exterior with lush hunter
green matte paint. Decked out with custom 30 Cal
Anti-Infantry machine guns in front and twin lateral
submachinegun installation on rear panels.
Oil slick reservior to make for slippy times for people
chasing you. Sometimes steel windshield coverings
turn on when you're driving. Probably a servo.
Must sell, $800 HUF, obo. Contact Zoli.

EDEN Forces moving in from the sea...
These guys know when to show up!

eUS Engineers erecting an oil derrick. Drill, baby Drill!

Anomie standing guard at the CAF Forward Command Igloo.
Who would mess with Anomie?

The eCold War begins in the snows of Alaska...
...unless PEACE can mount a comeback,
which we doubt...
