Ah the Sweet Sweet Smell of Freedom

Day 122, 03:34 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per


Dear Citizens of Denmark

I come back to you a free man. There is no prison big enough to contain me, and there is no crime too small for me not to have committed.

I was imprisoned for one day, because apparently those who must not be named are super super sensitive. However the vaginal wailing of those who must not be named will not stop us in our endeavor to purge those who must not be named!

I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to Phillip Klarskov, Mayor Copenhagen, and Korhian mayor of Aalborg. Furthermore I would like to point out that the other two people elected mayor are no longer active (and in fact, one is on the verge of dying due to low wellness.)

This is the era of the Weberian Bureaucracy Party, we will prevail.

On a side note, I can't actually pay people for their duty to the government yet. The admins have locked all presidents from the country treasuries. Which uh...makes the treasuries pretty much worthless.