Aegean Islands Got a Q5 Hospital

Day 673, 11:18 Published in Greece Canada by Buck Roger

The Aegean Islands will be getting a new Q5 Hospital.

Greek law

Greece joins a select club of countries with four Q5 Hospitals, having already placed one in each of Thrace, Central Greece, and Attica. The other countries with this many are Croatia, Hungary, Indonesia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, and the United Kingdom.

The hospital should help build up the population there and create a natural wall from that population at one of two bottlenecks (with Thrace) to Turkish invasion.

Shameless plug: Desparye is bringing great pictures to Greece and the world here -- in a change of pace from the usual politically-charged wall of text article -- take a look.

As stated by Geokos below, everyone not already in Thrace, Central Greece, or Attica, are required to move to the Aegean Islands on order of the government. Free tickets will be provided to those who can't afford one.