Admins Want More Gold

Day 832, 13:43 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

I am sure that most of you have read the most recent "Insider" article. In this article, we hear something about the admins "correcting" the hospital "glitch", under the pretenses that it will help the food industry. As the article says, "a citizen will be able to recover from a hospital only the wellness lost in battles, in that day". We all know what this is about though, and it is not to fix a glitch or improve the food industry. Admin Want Moar Gold.

This will do one very important thing, militarily speaking. Berserking aint gonna happen anymore. For those of you who don't know, this is the practice of fighting 15 or more times in a battle, 5 on the first day and 10 on the second, resulting in your end day wellness between 40 and 50. This is easily remedied the next day by fighting once then healing in a Q5 hospital and re-gaining the wellness that you lost the previous day. Under this new system, re-healing the day after the battle ends will become impossible, and you will have to gift up(only 10 wellness per day)/eat high Q food(at most 6 wellness per day) to get back to 90-100 wellness.

Why would this be an attempt to get gold out of us? Because now the only way to do more than 5 fights per day (6 with gifts), is for soldiers to spend gold on wellness packs. We can;t get in that extra xp or that extra damage on a crucial battle without shelling out some cash. Lana seems to have made enough money in the "training grounds" to buy the entire war module of the game. Needless to say, she has found a nice way to make some serious profits out of it. Here's to the admin increasing the demand for WPs under the pretense that they are increasing demand for food.

I'll leave it up to you to decide whether or not this is a good thing.