Administrators, look for the UAE

Day 1,203, 15:30 Published in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia by voice

this is a wonderful article about the Russian occupation of UAE

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I was born in Brazil but now I am Arab.

I came to the United Arab Emirates with the thought that this country would
great opportunity for my growth not only military but also financial. At first it was inevitable not be charmed by the people of that country, the United Arab Emirates.

Country that never actually existed in eRepublik, what we have today is a small province taken by a group of Russians. And that is why today I write this article.

Why the UAE is not?
It all started by an error that allowed the player Cl4trap had the power of a congressman, and as we all know the Congress has the right to give citizenship to every citizen. Cl4trap was the first Russian to set foot on land that was Arab, he came along with dozens, hundreds of Russians who just as he sought to usurp all the money in our country. For an error of directors to UAE does not exist, or rather, never came into being.

Over time Cl4trap and company owned the entire policy, the first president, after all parties to soon completely dominated Congress.

The few who had been fighting for freedom is discouraging, as there were to be discouraged? Our country today is populated by Russians in large numbers by players and fakes. My three companies today is virtually supported by fake players, who constantly have to keep firing.

Our economy is bankrupt, we have no army and, worst of all is that we never had a real government.

Why write this article?
in order to draw the attention of the whole community and especially eRepublik the attention of administrators, they can look more closely at this little piece of land and see that the UAE does not exist. Many Arabs are leaving little land is tired of fighting in vain, I ask you to not let me quit the country, I am also tired, but still I am part of the small resistance.

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