Day 1,532, 02:57 Published in USA Belgium by shadowukcs

interview bellow

Dear readers

Just like me, you have probably all received the admin's message 2 ago. Like a doomsday clock the message told us that "On Day 1532 of the New World, starting with 00.00 eRepublik time, the site will be unavailable for a couple of hours. During this maintenance period, along with other improvements, the toolboxes will be removed."


PA-DA-DA-DAAAAAMMMMMM *insert Beethovens 5th symphony intro*

I know that some of you thought "AAAAAAHHHH erep offline for several hours???? What will I do with my life now?" A very understandable reaction. I feel the same way. At the time of writing this, the maintenance has already started and while looking outside of the windows (the real ones, not the Operating System), I saw something green on the ground and thought to myself "pfffffff that's not real grass. Whomever drew that made a very bad copy of my training grounds".

... luckily for us men there is always the greatest invention of the 21st century: porn.

To the rest of us, generally know what "longer maintenance period" means. Those of you who read my article of a last week, know that more changes where announced .... Economic changes


Now.... economic changes is not something most players like to hear. Especially since their likelihood and income depends on it.

So after I got the message I went straight to my Admin contacts and tried to get some information out of them.

Despite my best persuasion skills ("WAAAAAAAA!!!! I'm gonna tell my mother if you don't gieb me more information!!"), the promise of sending naked pictures ("how about a pic where I rub my nipples in return for info?") and fierce intimidation attempts ("watch out, I have a yellow belt in Karate!") .... allas, their lips where sealed. "Monday" they told me. "Ask us Monday"

And after 2 days of waiting, that monday finally arrived.

Lets have a look at what's new, shall we?

my first reaction was "WOAAAAA, what happened to the land page? Where is my storage?"

the land page is gone and made room for a interface where you can assign your workers to certain spots. This means that you can now employ a maximum of 10 employees per company (in the case of a Q5, for other companies, this is significantly less). This will make higher Q companies even more important than they already where. For people who had huge land pages which took several minutes to load, this is deffo a good improvement. Others might preferred the old look. One thing is certain, it's easier and faster to work in your companies now. Plus: on the bottom of your screen you see the total amount of WRM you use as well as the total amount of RM's you've produced. This is something players have been asking for for a long time.

employees are no longer bound to 1 company either. This creates a greater flexibility and will allow players to play into changing markets much faster and fill in the gaps wherever needed.

Basically you will just need to set yourself for WAM (like before) and then wait until an employee has worked. Once one of your employees have worked, you can assign them to a company. The advantage this creates is that the old trick that's used in some big countries (eUSA, ePL, eSerbia) where someone hired a worker and then fired him again, will no longer work. For big countries and very active managers, this update is a disadvantage and will decrease their profit. For smaller countries and for General managers who aren't online 24/7, this update seems like a good improvement. Especially on big countries, the job market will open up and more people will get the opportunity to hire employees.

Another change is that Land has disappeared. It's a bit unfortunate for the countries who had land-grant schemes, but overall it was somewhat of a nuisance. As you can see, the prices of RM companies have gone up with 1000 CC. So for those thinking that they would be cheaper off: bad luck ! Companies that cost gold have remained in price tho.

People who had free land spots open got a refund. (Some people made a very good deal with this when they bought their land in a country where the local currency was 0,001 and then moved to a country where the currency was 0.002 or higher ) ;p

For those (like me) who had difficulties finding the training grounds and the storage, it's in the left top corner of the land page. Little has changed to those and they operate in the same way as before.

ATTENTION: in a few hours I have an interview planned with one of the admins. If you leave your questions here I will ask them (if they are suitable) so post them in the comment box.

for the moment tho: as always


Country presidents got the following message in their mailbox

Honorable President,

The changes in the economic module brought along also a minor change to the tax system. Until now, you were able to set a different income tax for each industry. From now on, only one unique income tax will be available, regardless of the industry.

This income tax will be at first, set to a default value of 10% and you can proceed to changing it by using the new Income Tax law.

Yours truly,

This means that all the income taxes have been levelled to the same %. Since most countries already had the same Taxes across the board, this is only a minor change that won't affect much.

UPDATE 2 - I had a small interview with one of the admins. If you have further questions, let me know and I'll pose them as well

[13:00] I have a few questions regarding the latest update
[13:00] sure shadowukcs
[13:00] question: If there was 5 workers I did not manage and assign a company to before day change, will these 5 worker's working ability carry over to the next day?
[13:01] yes
[13:02] oh that's great
[13:02] if you did not manage to assign them you can assign them tomorrow
[13:02] aaah kk
[13:02] so you will then also be able to "save" your workers and use them in critical moments?
[13:02] yes
[13:02] how many can you "save" this way?
[13:02] you can develop strategies based on this
[13:02] and save works for when you have bonuses or smth
[13:03] BUT
[13:03] the workers receive the money for everyday
[13:03] yes, I see
[13:03] because they will work daily no matter if you assign them or not
[13:04] and can you for example save up 1000 work-times, move to a 100% country and then get 1000*20 tanks?
[13:04] or is there a maximum cap on the amount of "work-times" you can have?
[13:04] if he didnt work for you yet you cannot assign him
[13:04] kk
[13:05] you can have whatever works
[13:05] kk
[13:05] just that you need raw materials and stuff
[13:05] I see
[13:06] Xtasia told me earlier that there will be several updates coming up. Can you confirm that in the near future, more updates will be implanted regarding the economy module?
[13:07] I cannot confirm that, obviously
[13:07] 🙁
[13:07] damn, every admin gives me that answer. You are all too cunning xD 😛
[13:10] thanks for answering my questions
[13:10] will do
[13:10] np shadowukcs 😃

-you can save "work-time's" for later periods.
-They do not need to be used every day and can be carried on to the day after or even the year after
-you will only lose your RM after you've assigned your work time to a certain company
-the production of your work time will depend on the country bonus you get at the time that you USE them, NOT the time that the employee actually worked. This can allow you strategical advantages where you save up work times in a 0% country (with low wages) and then move to a 100% country where you produce all your tanks.