Admin answers questions about war module/Administrador responde a preguntas sobre el módulo de guerra.

Day 68, 00:00 Published in Spain Spain by Ministerio de Asuntos Exterior

Versión en español traducida por Taguaro:

1.The rumor is that the war engine will be turned on in March?
- At the end of March is planned to release the war module
2. The rumor is that a high amount of GDP is needed for war from both the attacker and defender?
- No, but will cost gold.
3. Will a war occur only across bordering countries?
- Usually, yes, but there will be some exceptions (USA, Japan, Australia...)
4. If a war can occur across non-bordering countries, will the intermediate country have to allow access, or will that country have to be attacked first?
- No intermediate access.
5. Will you have to have a navy to attack an island nation?
- No
6. Will all soldiers attacking need moving tickets?
- No
7. Soldiers that are attacking are not producing as employees. Will the attacking country have to purchase food to last the war period (supplies).
- You can attack even if you are an employee. Guardians will be payed soldiers and will have to defend the regions, not attack.
8. Are all wars surprise attacks, or must they be announced?
- Will be announced 12 or 24 hours pre-war period.
9. If they are announced, shall we post it in the contracts section?
- No
10. Can we use two weapons?
- No. One weapon - one fight.
11. Will we need to have soldiers on standby in a region in order to repel an attack at all, or risk being overrun?
- It's recommended to have Guardians defending those regions.
12. How do you intend to make it a dynamic process? Or is it just a calculation of numbers of soldiers and strength versus the opposing country?
- We are trying to find the best solution. We are thinking more of calculations on battles 1vs1.
13. What about having fighting styles to add flavor?
- This sounds interesting but in the first version of the war we don't think that will manage to implement it.
14. is there any financial advantage for the winning country at war? how do it works?
- the main advantage is ruling the occupied regions and taking taxes
15. If all of a country's territories are taken over, is it truly gone forever? If so, what if a country does succeed in taking over the world?
- First of all the Guardians will have a small advantage so it's easier to defend than to attack. Second, implementing the Fight for Freedom module will make it hard for countries that occupied enemy territories to keep them.