Admin and Czech e-republic

Day 422, 13:41 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Red Duck

This article is about suggestions and bugs. Why I am writing it in newspapers? Because any report was ignored. Is admin waiting on our annexation or death of our last citizen to not waste time with our country? If you agree with article, please vote and shout article to the e-world.

1) Donation – if you want donate Czech Republic, you cant, its broken. It was broken before two months, its still broken now. Because this there wasnt possible make translation of money from Czech bank which was after it with money moved and distributed in another country by user who administrated it. Donations from business with other nations cant be realised or money cant be used directly for security. For 2 last months I personaly reported this bug at least 3x, other people also reported this bug. Admin is indirectly responsible for all loses because ignoring our reports.
Possible solution: Create company and make harsh income taxes on some sector and get money through this.

2) Regions - Czech erepublic is only country which has only 3 national regions. How look similiar countries by total area? Austria has 8, Hungary 7, Slovenia and Ireland 6. Many of newcomers are suprised or annoyed by todays map which simply merges different regions as Moravian Silesia and Southern Moravia and divides Bohemia to two unlogical regions.
Possible solution: None

3) Resources - we are ignored by resources productivity. Czech republic is 4th in timber resources by hectare in Europe. Another tradition is steel production and ironworks, especcially in Moravia/Silesia and western/northern Bohemia.(same about Slovakia). Czechoslovakia was in top ten in weapons industry. We should not be punished for that production in this areas where we are not interested any more because political decisions or because lower productivity in comparision with big countries. There should be counted regions resources, not countries raw materials productivity.
Possible solution: None

4) Constitution – I have simplified constitution and still waiting, its long as some normal contracts. I have contacted admin 10th in page where were constitution requirements and 12th he responde😛 „We will rewrite this whole page in a few days to offer more in-depth information regarding our implication in enforcing Constitutions.“ How for some big countries should not be constitution crucial, we as small country need reforms based on constitution. I dont blame admins because it for now, but it was last drip to goblet of my desperation.
Possible solution: Make separate laws and enforcing it. Hope that it will not continue as other our proposals.