Activity, Transparency and Congress (Presentation)

Day 519, 08:54 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

The April Congressional elections are upon us and I write to you today for your support. I hope that you will see fit to return me as your representative for Ontario for a third mandate.


"You have worked 139 days in a row"

Many claim to be active, I need only point to my hard worker status to prove it. I have been a citizen of the New World for 139 days and have a perfect attendance record so far. This extends to my activities in Congress where I have not missed a vote and where I have participated in the discussions when appropriate.

Also in a Congressional session that saw over 35% resignation, I have remained true to the mandate the electors gave me. It is important that you support those individuals that will perform the work you expect them to.


Transparency and accountability are big issues facing the Canadian government these days. In an effort to lead by example, I will volunteer any information pertaining to my activities as a private citizen or as a member of Congress. This means that if you wish to know of any business dealings I may have or how I have voted in the past (or intend to vote in the future), you have but to ask and I will respond.

I can already state that I have business interests in Canada in the form of a partnership in a gift company (currently not in operation). I also have foreign investments in an iron company that is not exporting to Canada. At the moment of this presentation I have no potential conflict of interest with either the goals or direction that Canada is following.

In the manner of voting, I have supported the government (Minister of Finance) in every vote so far. I intend to continue doing so. Although more protectionist by nature, I am convinced by Minister Rearden's budget plans and feel confident that he has the best interests of the nation in mind.


Canada has been subjected to a number of plots in recent months designed to plunder the nation and harming us citizens. The theft of the CAF budget appears to have been the only successful one so far. I will continue to ask questions in this matter and push for greater accountability and security. This is not a witch hunt however and any investigation I lead will be done in a respectful manner. Any information discovered will be shared with Congress and the Canadian population. You are entitled to know where your tax dollars go and when those dollars disappear, you are right to demand an explanation.

Please realize that many members in the Canadian public service take these issues very seriously. We are working for you and will continue to do so.

Thank you.