Activity rates of US parties

Day 392, 14:49 Published in USA USA by Jordan Miller

The party election results are a great way to gauge the voting activity rates in our political parties.

With 147 votes, 44.95% of its total voting population, the RfC is the most active party in the top 5.

The USWP follows with 361 votes, 42.07% of its total membership.

The AAP follows, with 84 votes and 39.07%.

The UCP had 80 votes and 38.28%.

The Libs have the lowest activity rate of the top 5, with 36.83% from 228 votes.

The party with the highest rate of activity, major or minor, is the Green Party, with 68.42% of its members voting. The USGP has 57 total members.

The US party with the lowest activity rate is the Democrats. Although they are the largest of the minor parties, they only got 19 of their 86 members to vote. 22.09%

-List of US Parties by Activity Rates-

USGP: 68.42% Votes Cast: 39

FP: 64.81% Votes Cast: 35

USNP: 64.52% Votes Cast: 40

YP: 59.65% Votes Cast: 34

RFC: 44.95% Votes Cast: 147

USWP: 42.07% Votes Cast: 361

BwB: 41.65% Votes Cast: 5

AAP: 39.07% Votes Cast: 84

UCP: 38.28% Votes Cast: 80

Libs: 36.83% Votes Cast: 228

NW: 33.33% Votes Cast: 5

UA: 31.58% Votes Cast: 6

DeP: 22.09% Votes Cast: 19

All other US parties did not run candidates.