Action Today From the Battlefront

Day 1,589, 20:02 Published in Canada Canada by chewytaz

Here are the military advancements from yesterday.

1. First we see Poland taking another region from the Ukraine with ease.
2. We see a dual advancement here on the Swiss/French front were Serbia gains Rhone Alps and Auvernge, meanwhile Slovenia gains the Swiss Romandie providing them a French border.
3. Macedonian Victory at Extremadura forces Brazil out of Europe, ONE’s probable next step is to push the USA out from there knocking out the four bonuses USA has in Europe which would put them at a 40% food bonus and 80% weapon.
4. UK pushes France out of South East England. In fact UK NE’d France, and Ireland has discussed a Peace Treaty with them, UK chances of coming back look strong, will Canada decide to change that?
5. Slovakian Victory in Czech. The Slovaks have won themselves another region bonus.
6. The only EDEN advancement in Europe, Greece gains another region from former EDEN member Bulgaria. Was leaving EDEN a good idea Bulgaria? The future will have to tell us.
Overnight we saw a strong ONE dominated night, with little TEDEN movement ONE should be proud of their victories as they are now grabbing a larger footing in Europe and pushing TEDEN back, will we see another ONE dominated summer, is TEDEN going to collapse. Signs do seem to suggest this as TEDEN is falling apart ONE has co-ordinated themselves and took advantage of the weakness. With larger donation limits (400k daily) ONE will benefit from their large populations able to most likely produce more money through taxes than other countries allowing them to spend more on military.

Today’s active battles.
It is mostly RW action atm with the exception of Romanian-Hungarian conflict in Crisana.

1. Hungary is currently involved in three battles; one is a battle in Burgenland which has the Hungarians winning 3-0 over Austria. Also a RW in Southern Transdanubia against Croatia in which EDEN forces are keeping a tight 3-2 holding over the resistance forces. Lastly a counter-attack onto Romanian homesoil a rather spectacular battle as Romania came back from losing 5-2 to tie it up 5-5 making it anyone’s game as we head into night. Should Hungary win they get to continue into Romania but should Romania win then Romania gets to attack a Hungarian region.
2. Dual RW in the Swiss/French front as EDEN forces attempt to push back Serbia and Slovenia. The RW in Serbia held Aousta Valley failed to move the Serb forces as they prepare to attack another French region, meanwhile a RW in Romandie could block Slovenia from a border with France which would prevent a two front invasion.
3. The usual RW in a French region, today it’s Aquitaine which is USA’s only region that contains rubber, USA handling the region with ease, mostly likely started as a damage drain. Meanwhile a RW onto Macedonian held Valencian Community sees ONE members Spain winning, either Macedonia is returning the region (most likely) or EDEN opened it up to drain damage for both countries. Also a RW in USA held Galicia seems doomed to fail as US holds it 7-3.
4. The front closest to home is the UK front. A string of RWs of popped up against the three occupiers of the British Isles. UK has declared France as NE, and has proposed France which already facing problems from Serbia seems like a war most likely to lose. However no matter what happens UK has failed to get resource bonuses since its capital in Northern Ireland is connected to only Irish regions. Canada and Ireland seem to hold regions with ease, (UK gets support from EPC on battles involved with Canada).

*NOTE for some readers RW means Resistance War.
Also red arrows signify ONE attacks, Green signify TEDEN attacks.

Thanks for reading,

Yours Truly,