Act, but do not fight

Day 1,428, 17:35 Published in Canada Canada by Duke Leto

Hey eCanada, it is me. I don’t usually write, but when I do, it is because I see a great and mighty thing in our way. You have probably read articles such as this over and over and over again because it is a fresh scandal in eCanada. If you decided to continue reading this article then I want you to head my words.

Our society as we know it is about to come to an end. Why? It is because of greed, personal desire and political opportunism which are rampant in our society. Bribery is common practice amongst individuals. People are offered perishable goods such as weapons or food; others are given money; and for some, positions of power. “When you play a game of thrones you win or you die.” eCanada’s game of thrones is what tears this country apart. Either we try and use events to their own benefit. This should concern you, citizens, because you are no more than tools. Sure, you may get a position of power or your hunger for weapons and gold satisfied, but that is what THEY want. There is a reason they want to buy your vote, do not go for it. You can stop corruption in its tracks.
That being said, eCanada was never like this. Two years ago, eCanada was different. Bribery was shameful and illegal, now it is open practice and an accepted practice at that. There was political opportunism then, but we worked for the nation. There was personal desire, but that was to help forge our nation into something greater.

And now we are here. Our nation is in a peril most dire and we stand and bicker. Our fears and confusion are blended together in a McCarthyist wet dream. Blame flopping left and right with no real action being done. Is Addy Lawerence responsible for the take over threat? Maybe. Is eCanada at risk because of his actions? Yes only because we refuse to do what he says. In time of clear and present danger I much rather follow a president than the Romanian scum who threaten our existence and sovereignty. Follow the president’s orders and if the situation worsens due to his actions, we can impeach him. Until these Romanians leave our nation, we must unite and cooperate, not tear at each others throats!

Sincerely, Duke Leto