ACP Transition of Power

Day 1,253, 09:07 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

Firstly I'd like to express my deepest regrets that due to some rather suspicious and large movement of people into the UIP and FEDS, so much so that they caught up to the solidly 3rd place LIBS, we were unable to be on the ballot in this Congressional Election. We have had very good growth lately but it could unfortunately not compete with this.

However, there was one bright spot as the first ACP Congressman was elected. Professor Oak will be representing Utah and will wear the banner of our party. Congratulations to him and we are fortunate to at least be represented in this next Congress!

With that said, I am announcing that a transition of power will take place for several reasons. I will remain the Party President in-name for security reasons until the next Party Presidential Election, but effective May 5th, 2011, I will for all intensive purposes, resign the Party Presidency.

There are many in our party who are promising and capable leaders, and so my decision is not a judgment on anyones ability, but based off of the simple fact that I have to choose someone to take over and I need to give our party the best chance it has to survive and prosper. I have chosen Richard Nixon II to succeed me as Interim Party President and I urge you all to stay united behind him to fight off any potential PTO's on May 15th. His Vice President will be a very trustworthy, capable and experienced statesman, Shermain. I know that the party will be in capable hands with these two at the helm and with the support of many others who are active in our party leadership.

I have made this decision based on the following reasons:
#1- I will be in Israel from May 5th-16th, and will have little to no internet access. I cannot be an effective party leader while halfway around the world and I will be unable to watch the Party Presidential elections unfold.
#2- The storm clouds are gathering and our party has been under heavy barrage based on an obsessive personal hatred towards me that some disturbed individuals in this game hold. It is not fair for me to let everything we have built together be destroyed because I refused to give up power. I would rather relinquish the titular head of the party and realize the dream we all share of establishing the ACP as a Top 5 party and a force to be reckoned with in eUS politics.

I intend to focus my time and attention on the further development of the American Eagle Division. However, for the period of my absence from eRepublik, General Paladn will assume temporary command over the entire AED organization. We will soon qualify for OMS funding which will allow the AED to more frequently supply its members and more effectively defend American interests.

I will still be around for anyone who wishes to talk to me socially or seek help on other matters. What we have built has always been about what we can achieve together and for the betterment of our country. I look forward to realizing this vision with all of you.

Your Proud Party President,
Pizza The Hut