Acacia, you got some SPLAININ TO DO!!!

Day 885, 15:22 Published in Canada Canada by saltydog

I recently published an article saying Acacia Mason had some splainin' to do - and boy did he ever. I asked eCanadians to post questions they thought Acacia had to answer to, and you guys came out in droves." />
Stomping out the snakes through the power of the microphone.
All in a day's work, baby.

SO, here it is - the Acacia Mason interview. It's split into 2 parts of roughly equal length (30-40 mins a pop). I ask the questions put in by eCanadians, Acacia answers them. Simple as that.

Part 1 - CPF, DAL, beef, quitting
Part 2 - politics, eCanada, his future, our future

Does he have bad blood for the CPF?
What about TFD?
What has he got to say to those who supported him?
Will he run for President?
Will he stay in Canada?
Why does he even play at all?

Find out the answers to these questions AND MORE!!!!
And to TFD, or anyone else who wants to sit down under the same format - holla!" />