Acacia Mason For Congress In Scotland

Day 1,097, 10:52 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

I have already said I wanted to see change. I have called for change. I have tried to lead by example in pushing for change. Now I am going to take the next step in my plan and BE the change I am asking for.

You must be the change you want to see in the world -- Mahatma Gandhi

It has become painfully obvious to me that the only way to bring change is to be the change. For that reason I have made the decision for this old hack to pick up a picket sign and make a formal run for Congress.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am running for Congress in Scotland!

So what will be the guiding theme of my Congressional term? I think by now, if you have been following my articles you know my guiding principle will be transparency:

My goals:

1) Begin the construction of a new “Government Transparency” Act
2) Expand the duties and obligations of the Auditor General
3) Revisit the CAF & TCO budgets and ensure that they are brought to levels that make sense for the nation instead of themselves.
4) Begin the process of eliminating conflicts of interest in Congress by addressing the issues of group affiliation and voting on motions in the house

The above 4 items will form the thrust of my focus during my term. I recognize that some of these items may take longer then others and so rest assured that if I do not complete them to the fullest, I will seek a return to see my work done.

As a means of leading the charge on transparency, I will be publishing my voting record and activity record weekly for review by my constituents. I will ensure that you know what I am doing and why I am doing it. Only those with something to fear hide their will not see that with me.

I bring a lot of experience to Congress as a former CP, and holder of many other social and political offices. I have been around the block enough times to know my way but no so many times that I have become complacent and lazy.

On November 25th, vote for transparency, vote for change, but most importantly...VOTE!

Yours In National Unity,