Acacia Mason For Arizona

Day 1,613, 07:33 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

Its that time again when a young American’s fancies turn to dreams of Congress and representing their home State. The media becomes alive with campaign articles, platforms and pleas for votes. Consider this another one of those articles...with a twist.

I believe in being as transparent as possible. With me, what you see is what you get. That being said, I am not going to promise you that I can walk on water, make the water in your toilet spin counter-clockwise, or cause the Earth to be the centre of the Universe. I can not magically make you richer, or promise you that the markets are suddenly going to turn around just because you elected me into office. I am not and never have been a miracle worker and so I won’t promise miracles.

Here is what I can promise:

As a Candidate under the fine banner of the AMP, I will show up to work. I will get involved in the dialogue of governance. I may not be the top poster of messages for the month, but when I do plunk my fingers down to type a message, you can be sure it will be an intelligent and informed response. I will co-operate with my fellow Congressman in so far as it allows the team as a whole to function better. I will work with the POTUS to the best of my abilities, to see that what is good for the Country as a whole, is acted upon. I will question those things that I suspect do not make sense. I will be respectful of the democratic philosophy even when it does not do as I think it should. I will post my voting record so you know where I stand on each and every issue before us.

Most importantly however, I will be accountable to you...the voters of Arizona. In doing so, I will do my level best to give you the best representation possible while maintaining transparency and honesty.

Sounds good right? The question then is...why should we believe Acacia can do all this? The simple and short answer is, I have boat loads of experience in politics. As a two time Country President, 3 time Congressman, 1 time Party President, and holder of many offices in government in the past, I know my way around the political arena and, for better or worse, I am comfortable with public policy.

I won’t promise that you will wake up every morning and find a cookie under your pillow, but you will find your elected representative at his desk, and working for you, each and EVERY day!

On April 25th, feel the AMPS and vote Acacia Mason in Arizona