About those Resources

Day 1,652, 01:19 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ghoti Frye

I bought this paper ages ago, but never really had anything to write about. (I'll try to add more fancy images and formatting if I ever get around to future articles). In the meantime, I have a question that I wanted to ask of the community (and the Dail), regarding our recent treaty with the U.K.

I get that we get some new food resources, and that this will increase our food production. Is that really what we need though? As of this moment, I can buy food raw materials off the market for .06 IEP.
Q1 food can be purchased at .56 IEP per unit
Q5 food is available at 2.59 IEP.

We already seem to have over inflation of all forms of resources (excepting gold). Is it really so important to get rid of our regions for such a minor and unnecessary bonus?
I'm interested to hear others' opinions. Particularly those more informed on the circumstances that lead to the passing of this treaty.